
God was watching over them? It wasn’t the truck driver after all, guys.

there are four treads held in aluminum housings

So you're the saying Scientology is our main threat.

It took me a minute to realize the Microsoft ‘praying hands’ emoticon wasn’t a Cyberman.

All of them ( ._.)

I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)

Looks like this Prius, not bad.

Let’s not forget the grill-less Tesla 312 from 1973. They've been doing this for years.

Because we’ve been fed the ‘all taxation is theft’ line for decades and lots of people believe it...people don’t lose elections by promising to lower taxes. Also mismanagement. Basically those two things.

That kid’s pride

Pretty sure that’s a lamb ...... o.

That’s not a Chevy Colorado. It’s a Ram.


And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.

Ew. BMW are easily the worst looking luxury sport sedans at the moment.

Mostly MK Is... (MK I B's to be exact!)

I appreciate the cultural sensitivity in offering the dreidel option haha.

Damn, it just spun that Ram like a top. Or a dreidel.