This will either be a Galant or 3000GT
This will either be a Galant or 3000GT
45+ is good, they seemed to but underrated. I liked my (then GF) wife’s ‘12 SE Sport in between TCU services but liked my 2002 more. The wife says she won’t buy a ford again and we are glad it got totaled, got us back into VWs. My mom’s ‘13 SE is on its second transmission after it had three TCUs and two Clutch…
Are you sure this wasn’t taken before Hooptiecon?
Its still all a DP under the skin, no prototype super car to be found. It was more of a marketing attempt to link a street product to their top tier racing efforts.
No JHMCS could mean the movie is technically set before the adoption of that which would be early 2000s, which would place him below the 30 year cut off and also have the Tomcats being actively retired or on final cruses. Its a stretch...
Sometimes, but its a longitudinal engine in the B2s. VW is sloppy about differentiating their AWD variants but this one is a Quattro derived system in the Quantum as were most of their early systems, like the T3 Syncro. that is backwards with the pancake in the back. Up through the B5, it was still a quattro derived…
That’s brave smoking that close to the tinder box.
I don’t feel like it has fully explained Jason Torchinsky either.
Oh, running bad years old Contis are slower? Who’da thunk it! I’m stoked for IMSA on proper racing tires!
Says the man that owns 0 NDs. I'll take a 944 off your hands so you can stay at 9 cars!
Where is Bradley’s take on this?
It is 1987 or earlier as it has a golden state plate with a serial. My own plate is a 1984 issued with 2BIH### so this 2DNN### might be closer to the end of the run, 1986 or 1987?
As long as it passes SMOG the state doesn’t care...
I love how VW held out until 1991 to give drivers a second turn indicator bulb via the Mk3. One is more than enough in my 1984 and its not hard to figure out which way i am signaling.
Youngtimers! It’s what Radwood is all about.
Why didn’t you submit your car for best time machine for Jalopnik’s Radwood NorCal contest? There were no DSM entries for that contest. I loved your car at Hooptiecon but the Radwood stance was and is more experience focused rather than award focused hence why there are 8 awards, three of which are pre-decided in…