

Is there a reason Deadspin stopped filing to “beeves” and started filing to “beef”? It happened around the same time home runs stopped being called “dongs” and started being called “dingers.” I don’t appreciate the pandering to the mainstream that’s going on around here. Up with beeves and dongs! Down with beef and

Uh, you guys know anywhere else similar to the old Deadspin?

“While we cannot comment on the specific details of a pending litigation, were sure going to anyway!

Settle down dick cream

Report: Finally, A Reason To Watch The Super Bowl!

Leader of men, assaulter of women. 

World Cup goals:

True. I feel like Black people shouldn’t have to pay to tour plantations.

His real downfall was drugs. His secondary downfall was alcohol. 

Slow down pimpin’.  I know with James Madison’s old plantation, they explicitly tracked down the descendants and cut them in on the action from the tours.  Perhaps that’s a model for other such tours to follow.

👏. “Adulting” is one of those words I can’t fucking stand. People who use it needs to shut the fuck up. “Omg haha I have to buy my own toilet paper such an adult! Ahhh I have to wake up at 7am for work... adulting!!” And you’re right, where/when in society have we started rewarding this dumbed down behavior?

Whether she is genuinely ignorant (which is likely) or is pretending to be ignorant because she thinks it’s cute (even more likely) she is still a fucking moron.

Ahhh.... the Vikings got called on that same penalty to allow the Packers to score a field goal before the 1st half you fucking hack

We should find out by tomorrow which team’s the most eager to give it to him.

What did the five fingers say to the face?

OMFG this is getting exhausting. Seriously? He was never on set, his connection is that he is contractually due credit because he produced the 1976 version -- 42 years ago. Good fucking god.

I think it is in very poor taste to joke about the racially-charged murder of an innocent black man barely a week after it happened like this. It’s a slap in the face to the victim, his family and friends, the broader African-American community, and activist allies such as myself who have been tirelessly working to

God I hope they both die in the ring

Whats the big deal? He didn’t toss him, he just told him to shut his yap.