Straight up cooning
Straight up cooning
Does she talk about any other dudes she fucked in front of her cuck husband? maybe her freak kids?
I liked Cam, but he fucking sucked as a qb.
Ask the fan.
Good, fuck ‘em if they don’t get vaccinated.
Softer than baby shit....
Yasss! Slaaayyy queen!
He’s a borderline mongoloid, not host material.....
Looks like her fellow sprinters really don’t like her.
Lebron faked a hate crime. People forget that.
Wow! That sure wasn’t a close one!
Bunch of pussies...
Allen is a snake.
No defense.
Fuck Karl, and also fuck those weak ass pussies that are forming a geriatric “super team”.
A transphobic, violent thief. How charming!
Man, having so many children with different mothers is hilarious.
What does her cuck dad think of this?