
Does Lebron flop like a bitch in this movie like he does in real life?

You should probably tell the person that wrote the Rashad article that Cosby is a rapist.

What does Hancuck think about this?

At least that rape apologist piece of shit Rashad isn’t at your school.

Do less.

Do less.

How about you jump off a tall building?

That show sucks

I’ll go ahead and post it again. This POS is a rape apologist. Why are you celebrating her? Do you hate women that much?

That’s the same POS this site was celebrating yesterday for her new show.

Oh great, this POS rape apologist is working.

Hopefully joining super teams eases his anxiety. Baby back bitch.

If she’s not dumping them out, I’m not interested.

Good for them for getting it changed, and that movie sucked so hard.

What does her husband, Hancuck, think about this?

So he’s like the black version of Ernest?

That’s as ugly as your site’s smear campaign against Kemper.

Is the author of the original hit piece happy now? 

Should have put Paul in a dress, Mayweather would have beat the shit out of him.

That wasn’t a real championship