This Suit Burns Better

Is this an irony test?

Haha good one. So funny. Now here’s the thing. We’re teaching women and girls that they shouldn’t trust their instincts anymore. Because most women would want to leg it if a man suddenly wandered in, but with all this pervasive propaganda calling such a natural part of our survival instinct “bigotry”, women won’t know

How is a man saying he has a “woman’s brain” anything less than utterly sexist and misogynistic?

Ageism isn’t cool to be against yet. It may never be again. Older people are seen as an obstacle. It’s sad because they so often contain so much wisdom on so many things. As the woman said, she’s not even speaking on this topic, yet people want to make her sit down and shut up on every topic, no matter what. I’m

The very idea that women have no right to speak after a certain age. Women aren’t just criticized for their ideas, but how they look, how they’ve let themselves “go”, their age.

“I’m not going to answer your derailing question”

“Femininity is not defined by genitalia”

No one has to accept the idea that a man can magically turn into a woman. If he wants to dress like one and act like one and even have the surgery then go for it. But you cant force people to accept you as that. THAT is intolerance.

How do you know that her feminism is not instersectional? Has she expressed views that were harmful to gay women and/or women of color?

Oh, you mean the contemporary feminists who are benifiting from all the hard work that she and others of her generation did to make their lives easier and better?