This Suit Burns Better

Even if the risk of a male being raped by another male was equal to the risk of a female being raped by a male - so what? How does that change the fact that women are being put in greater danger if men get to enter women’s spaces unquestioned?

Still waiting on that explanation how we can tell apart a rapist and someone who just wants to pee, until the rapist rapes someone.

Tell us how to recognize the rapist, then? Oh that’s right, you can’t, until he rapes someone. Males are dangerous and it’s not women’s job to protect one kind of male against another.

Except for the part where in one scenario, we might be able to question the man’s presence there and stop him before he does anything, and in the other scenario, we have to literally wait for him to rape someone before we can kick him out. Do you not see the difference?

Seriously now. The very same author who brought us this piece published the following today http://jezebel.com/houston-detect…

About a man who raped a 12-year-old girl in a public bathroom. Are you still gonna make stupid condescending jokes about fairy tales? Or are you going to give some kind of indication that you

Oh my God, Anna, how do you live with the dissonance of writing this and then publishing this http://jezebel.com/houston-detect… on the very same day. Here everyone’s merrily making fun of the supposed “bathroom hysteria”, while girls are being raped in public bathrooms, and nobody bats an eye. FFS

Why don’t you respond to the actual example I mentioned? Why don’t you google “bathroom assault man disguise” or whatever and tell me what you find?

Yup, you’re so right, male violence is all one big joke and doesn’t exist. My bad. (You’re full of shit, I just hope you yourself know it)

Did it ever occur to you that the crime in question doesn’t have to be rape for it to be unacceptable? Do you know how many cases there are of men peeping on women and filming/photographing them while they use the bathroom? FOR INSTANCE. There are as many gross and traumatizing things men could do as there are men.


TW are male. Bathrooms are sex-segregated spaces. Not gender-segregated.

Men are actually dangerous to women. This isn’t some sexist notion that infantilizes women but reality. The vast majority of sexual predators are male. Just look at the exploding stats re child porn and then tell me that regular Joe can’t

“refusing to acknowledge reality” is unfortunately what you’re doing.

This is about not making it easier for men, who very frequently are predators and who are all potential predators, to enter the few spaces that are designated for women, spaces in which women are particularly vulnerable. It is not about restricting women in any way. If this is your only “argument”, then you really

Men violate women’s boundaries because they want to, not because anything “compels” them. They would have an easier time/less deterrent from doing so with a law in place that gives them the right to enter based on their subjective feelings/self-serving claims. So I don’t know what you mean, unless you’re referring to

Haha good one. So funny. Now here’s the thing. We’re teaching women and girls that they shouldn’t trust their instincts anymore. Because most women would want to leg it if a man suddenly wandered in, but with all this pervasive propaganda calling such a natural part of our survival instinct “bigotry”, women won’t know

Wanna claim men aren’t a danger to women and girls in public bathrooms? Try googling “bathroom assault” and then say that again...

There are countless actual cases of men assaulting people in public bathrooms. Being concerned about this is not bigotry. “Rape (...) is illegal and will stay illegal” - sure, but how about we don’t make it easier for predatory men to prey on women and girls.

Thank you and amen. Never stop saying it. The massive (and somewhat fake!) outrage we are seeing over Greer’s simple statement of fact is meant to be a warning to all women never to express this truth again.

“I agree that men have too much of a voice in feminism. I’m the living, breathing proof of that.”
Then, oh I dunno, shut it?