Because I can’t think of any reason to use anything else? I’ve used it for years for standard web browsing, I just don’t have any burning reason to change.
Because I can’t think of any reason to use anything else? I’ve used it for years for standard web browsing, I just don’t have any burning reason to change.
The questions back to you are why you find it no value and what do you use instead? I'm interested too. I have Firefox preview which is good but not amazingly better
These aren’t model 3 owners, the model 3 key works without internet. These are morons who lost their S or X key fobs or have dead keyfobs out of power and decided not to carry them, and have been relying on the emergency start car ability of the app. Meaning they either were too cheap to buy a new fob if they lost it…
You are 100% correct. I also love the truckbro assholes who try and cram their 10" lifted trucks with 36" offroad tires into compact parking spaces in cramped garages so that they have to take up two spaces and at least 3' of truck blocking the drive aisle. I had one of these in my building back when I lived in Jersey…
I imagine the law differs from state-to-state, I’ve heard that some states you are definitely not allowed to park in spots reserved for electric vehicles.
I’m seeing it all the time in the greater LA area. We’ve always had a lot of coal-rollers too though, and we also have superchargers everywhere so the chances of me stumbling upon it are higher.
Don’t start nothin, and their won’t be nothin (and the bro trucks definitely started this). I live in a redneck state (TN), and these bro truck drivers are the bullies from highschool that never changed. Typically they are all show and no go and would crap their pants if anyone ever actually stood up to them. Also, I…
Ummmmm.... what about drivers who have their hands on the top half of the wheel? That would take their damn arms off.
Look up almost any charger on Plugshare - there’s usually more than one incident of ICE’d charging spots.
It plays into the insecurities of a certain small subset of Tesla owners, I think.
It’s not. But it’s polarizing and divisive so journalists bloggers are all over it.
You would have to have two parties stupid enough to push it to the point of gunfire. But I could definitely see a gun being flashed or someone cutting the strap while under tension and blowing out the windows or messing up the body panels on the vehicles.
Seriously, there are areas of this country where a stunt like this is going to result in gunfire.
Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well.
Pontiac was just ahead of their time.
Getting the screen to go in the right direction is only one part of the challenge.
I wish we could put a moratorium on EV startups. They aren’t allowed to get any press until they have a production line that is actually making vehicles in mass.
*Guy cuts you off*