
This is all happening so publicly, WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP THIS? How can this be allowed? How devastating for her daughter— daughters, all of them. How disgusting June, how fucking dare you.

This, this is amazing. Happy and sad all at the same time. It should be on TV and everyone should know about this, you need to get of Jez and go out there, tell the world!!

Do you think he'll hug Nurse Vinson? She's a hero (IMO, but she was lambasted by many on this site for riding a plane), but is riddled with politics of the CDC's missteps.

This is actually all really sad and I don't think super relatable to most break ups in the States or the West at all. I've spent several years in China, and this is extreme, but actually not too far off from a normal break up there, where some women mourn and wallow and literally cannot go on with their lives. SHE

I got that vibe too. I'll believe MD that there's no judgment there though, sometimes it's hard to convey thought through words over the 'net.

Jezebel has hired a more diverse set of writers in the last year or so. This article is nothing but a reminder of how white woman it used to be.

I don't know how to articulate it, but your comparison of cop and nurse gets at something in my brain, and I can't be the only one who thinks this: There is something so wholly anti-feminist about all of the blame here on Vinson. Most nurses are female. Most cops are male. Whatever a male does, gets praised.

Your post deserves all the attention, yes, it is not her fault. I am so disgusted with Jezebel right now.

I thought it took a few weeks to show symptoms.

If she had done her wedding planning in Dallas, it'd be the same number of people minus the 132 plane passengers. And plane shmlane. What if she lives with her fiancee, and what if she spread it to him and he was a flight attendant? Or teacher? She could've gone to church on Sunday and shook hands with people around

Ok, your whole argument has changed my mind, esp the part about guys dressing up as women. Yeah. Lately everyone seems to be into this whole Jimmy Fallon "Ew" thing, but it bothers me in a big way. It's like of course teen girls are silly and so let's laugh at them.

I don't like the picture. Tina Fey's Bossy Pants had man hands and a hat and a tie in her picture. Now this. Why must successful women pose as men. I don't like it. I don't understand it. If I become successful, I'm gonna pose in the most frilly pink glittery crap i can find and own my femininity. Fuck all of