
Fahey: “I just don’t see the point in featuring a comic on our website from creators who actively despise it. It doesn’t make sense.”

Bethesda: “I just don’t see the point in giving exclusives, interviews, and review copies to a website that smears developers, posts click-bait, and shits on its audience. It doesn’t

Until very recently I would have been against calling this blacklisting but thankfully Kotaku told me the real definition, i’ll expect Kotaku to put that comic on the lineup, send PA free games and give a comment on shit whenever asked from now on.

“I just see the point in giving interviews, exclusives, and advance review copies to a website that posts click-bait, smears developers, and shits on its audience. It doesn’t make sense.”

Fixed it for you again, since you deleted my original comment like the hypocritical pussies you are.

“I just don’t see the point in giving interviews, advance copies, and exclusives to websites who break faith with us, smear developers, and despise their audience. It doesn’t make sense.”

There. Fixed it for you.