Yes. Whoever throws out a number first is going to lose the negotiation.
Yes. Whoever throws out a number first is going to lose the negotiation.
You can use your desire for work-life balance as a negotiation chip. As in “Given my skills and qualifications, I think that I’m worth $X (aim high). However, I also value good work-life balance, so I am happy to negotiate lower pay for X days of vacation” or some such thing. Many workplaces are becoming aware that…
YES. I haven’t seen the series yet, and I was intrigued by the new Anne, but once I saw Matthew and Marilla, I realized how much I would miss Dewhurst and Farnsworth in those roles... they were so perfect!
It also was the most boring season of Drag Race because it was so darn obvious every episode that she was absolutely destroying her competition.
Management consultant here. Being a manager is definitely not for everyone, but the people who fail at it are the ones who don’t like the stuff that comes with managing people— namely, making sure tasks get done (by getting people organized and finding ways to incentivize them) and making sure to deal with people…
You should have expected Satan to visit your table as soon as you ordered food that looked like your God Stick and her Shame Cave.
Plus, wouldn’t it be sort of odd to release this through an Op Ed in Newsweek, instead of through an official press release or some more official avenue, given its impact? That also seems odd... but I don’t work in a federal agency (I’m in a state agency, and not at a level where I’d have any influence on this sort of…
100% with you on that one. I do not think that leggings without something over them (at least a long tunic) are appropriate work attire, and I get very tired of explaining to young women that while they are welcome to try to challenge the status quo, missing out on good job opportunities for the right to wear leggings…
Yes, I feel like this guy is trying very hard to get into my pants.
ME TOO! I was all “Hm, I don’t actually remember this as part of my childhood...”
I’d ride that beard any day.
It depends on who messes it up. If it’s a professional colleague, I correct them in a matter of fact way (“Actually, I kept my last name when I got married”). If it’s a family member, I try to be lighthearted about it (“Who is this Mrs. X you speak of? I don’t know her!” or “Mrs. X? You mean my mother in law?”). If…
Yuck, so sorry this situation is happening. I think a lot of the input others have provided is very useful. I have a couple of additional thoughts.
First, do you think there’s some emotional abuse going on? You don’t really mention anything about this, but if so, that can explain why she is back with him (i.e. she…
Me too, although... as it is my FB feed is already clogged with people bitching about Democratic women giving the “thumbs down” sign. Such pearl-clutching!
SAME! I’ve been turning off my radio whenever he comes on, and switch it back on whenever I think it might be safe again. I just CANNOT with his voice. Anyway, I find it is helpful to read what he has said instead because with all his crazy asides and verbal tics, it helps me to drill down into what he is actually…
You’re right. Sometimes there’s no fixing dumb. There’s some other Rogue Staffer Twitter that’s even more absurd than this one (it talked about some aide getting alone time to chitchat with Melania...Give me a break!) and a number of people I know fell for it. It’s embarrassing to see folks on the left being suckers…
I think of it as Democrat pornography. I mean, we all know that guy isn’t REALLY there to install cable, but we’re all willing to overlook it for funsies.
Pretty sure if you correct that word, you will embody it.
Oh man! I’m old enough to remember this kind of torture when you went to the video store and wandered the aisles for a solid hour picking something out! Netflix’s queue (you know, back when they mailed you DVDs!) was like the best thing ever. And now it’s gone to hell again.
To be fair, it would literally be a Sisyphean task. Push harder, Ivanka!