
Back during the debates, there was a FB post or something floating around that said that every response Trump has to a question sounds like a student who didn’t study trying to answer a question on an essay exam. As a teacher, that point was 100% accurate, and I see that nothing has changed since then.

Mr. Burnit and I joke that if your “big tractor” is green, you should get down to Planned Parenthood ASAP and get some tests done. Riding a big pink tractor, whether slow or fast, is probably a much safer bet.

It also inevitably leads to a variation on this exchange:

Dang! I always figured I wasn’t hardcore enough for the Army, but I’d ace this one. Thank goodness for an extremely buoyant butt!

Some of the discussions/critiques that have been going on among Marchers have been very fascinating! I consider feminism a journey rather than a destination, and it has been interesting seeing the push and pull between those who felt empowered by the marches, and those who felt left out.

I am but a lowly gray, and

I listened to it this morning on my commute. It was very good— informative, interesting, and gives me hope that the media is going to stick it to Trump in all the right ways.

Amazing. Even better than Ben Garrison’s (unfortunately un-ironic) borderline homoerotic political cartoons.

Man, I hope so! Our student body tends to skew pretty liberal for the most part. But the college staff tend to be conservative, so I’m sure some of them were filling up the seats too. And many of the conservative staff members I know would not care to hear him describe women, even “bad” ones, as cunts.

But you are

Unfortunately, it does not seem to play out that way. When there are no protests, they suggest that this is because others support their message. Plus, taking away the “fascist” argument doesn’t seem to matter too much— they still have plenty of a platform (gays are horrible, women are horrible, immigrants are

THIS is what I am very curious about. Milo was invited by the Young Republicans at my school, and I know that invitation was very controversial among them. I have to imagine there were at least a few classically conservative students (and especially women, I hope) that recognized that by inviting Milo, they look like

He really wins either way. He came to my institution, and students opted to go the “ignore” route by having counter gatherings elsewhere, so there were only a handful of protesters. He was able to gloat that because there were no protesters, that our school supported his message.

Absolutely! Certainly all these people fully support their “elected” leader freely and thus deserve what’s coming to them.

Haha! I agree! I love pettiness but I mean really!

It is very clear from interviews that Kelsey Grammer had a passionate burning hatred for Moose, probably because the dog got more fan mail than he did.

You have personal experience on the matter?! BIAAAAAAAAAS!*

(see also: white people talking to black people about police profiling; men talking to women about workplace sexual harassment; homophobes discussing marriage equality with LGBT+ folks....)

I reluctantly agree with you.

I agree. There’s a ton of research on workplace shootings, and a lot of the “warning signs” are things like “White male, ages 24-45, angry, likes guns, under a lot of stress...” There are SO MANY people that fit that description. We really don’t have any good predictors of what makes one angry male go home and

I’m pretty sure Stacey Dash is black Megyn Kelly...

My nephew has, count ‘em, 9 grandparents. Christmas was pretty amazing for him.