
I really appreciate this article. I do research on workplace harassment and bullying, and it is maddening the way people use this word to refer to everything. I know a lot of people in these comments are saying “Who cares, it’s just a word” but this word is being used to police opinions to a ridiculous extent.


NO!!! YOU turn up YOUR speakers, and watch THIS pls.

I really love the book too! I will say that the movie is much more graphic than the book. Most bunny deaths take place off-screen in the book (i.e. someone saying that someone was killed, and usually obliquely at that). There really is only one really bloody scene but it ends up ok (I don’t want to spoil it). I was a

Nope, not your fault. I totally read it that way too, thinking that “shooting” meant actually shooting the movie, not the theater shootings. And I liked the movie too!

You know who turned me off of dating potheads? Potheads. I don’t mind people who have the occasional toke, but people I would describe as potheads rarely have anything interesting or new to say, don’t have their lives together, and are basically giant man-children in my experience. Most of the potheads I know don’t

Ugh, that sucks. I thought Cenac was a great contributor, what a bummer Stewart treated him that way.

Really? All I’ve been hearing about Stewart is that he’s doing a bunch of activism (saving bulls, opening sanctuary farms). What assholery is he guilty of??

Yeah, but she also is buddy-buddy with Roman Polanski, so as much as I like Thompson, I question her taste in man friends.

That was my first thought. I am not terribly interested in some guy who wants to spend all his time banging a robot. Fine with me if they disappear from the meat market!

I’m 5'2", 160 lbs, and I typically wear sizes 8-12, depending upon the brand. But I’m a weightlifter, so my lean body mass is about 115 pounds; I’m very dense, and have a big butt and tree-trunk thighs that are mostly muscle, so that makes up a lot of that weight (and it’s easy to hide under a skirt; I suspect Amy is

I remember reading some book by James Dobson that claimed that condoms failed to protect against AIDS 30% of the time, and likened having safe sex with playing Russian roulette. I was shocked to learn only a few years ago that I still had this statistic in my head, and found evidence to dispute it. Misinformation like

Don’t feel bad! Doing handstands and handstands requires a lot of stability strength in your shoulders, and I don’t feel like the typical yoga teacher really does all that much to help students build this. Like deddancer says, it is pretty advanced, and unless you have put focused effort into building your shoulders

I have hypermobile hips, and I can almost do full splits with no warm up. And you know what? It’s super bad for me! It means that if I don’t keep my butt muscles nice and strong, my legs straight up POP OUT of my crappy shallow hip joints!

Every body has its ups and downs. Your body is amazing, and the fact that you

It’s a brilliant satire, IMO. But I do wonder if I’ll eventually see it posted unironically.

This one, from the Facebook page Shares from Your Aunt, made me lose it during a work meeting. I’m willing to bet a lot of people would repost and have absolutely no clue.

Congrats on the cancer free status! I’m sure you don’t mind giving up your 3 bald cancer lady benefits in return. I feel like if bridezillas use their upcoming wedding to scam free stuff, for sure bald cancer ladies should feel free to be as entitled as they like :)

Not always! Men are more likely to help when there’s a risk to their own safety; women are more likely to do safer heroism, and to help by doing more long-term helping (e.g. caring for an ill relative). It’s kind of an interesting phenomenon, actually!


Mr. Burnit also faints at the sight of blood. Not just his, but mine too. The last time I cut my finger while chopping vegetables, I had to wrap it in a towel, guide him to a couch so he could pass out, get him a bucket so he could puke when he woke up, and then attend to my wound. He’s 6'2" and I’m 5'2", so it is bad