
Well, that kind of is what they’ve found. Calling it a “gay gene” vastly oversimplifies what really is going on, but it’s not likely a coincidence; genetic factors are very likely at play.

The unfortunate thing is that this information will not make the religious right “suck it.” It’s been out there a while, and most

No, because we see higher concordance among identical twins than we do among fraternal twins. Because identical twins share 100% of their genes (whereas fraternal twins share on average about 50% of their genes) this suggests a genetic, not environmental, influence. I’m not saying that environments don’t matter at all

I don’t know about that. Every time I see the Golden Corral’s “chocolate fountain” in advertisements, I can only think about how many clumps of stray hair are floating around in it.

A colleague of mine made the point that thinking Trump is funny is the epitome of white Christian privilege. The things he says actually instigate violence towards people of color and Muslims. The amusement of the shitshow the GOP is right now isn’t worth it to me. Trump is not funny, he has no business being a

Right? So nonsensical. It’s not like it would be OK to say something similar in the States.

Right? Finally a critic who does his job. I hated how everyone gave Tina Fey and Amy Poehler a pass in Sisters. I mean, Helloooo, they are not even remotely related! If film critics don’t point out factual untruths in movies, who will???? What kind of world are we leaving to our children

If a literal troll is in a movie about a male model

At least dorks are usually moderately intelligent. No joke, I used to use Daleiden’s research in my research methods classes to show students an example of extremely poor research design, and how misstating previous research findings in order to make them support your hypothesis (when the findings actually refute your

And I thought my brother was nuts for requesting a $70 pair of sweatpants for Christmas.

A lot of what you say here (and the advice you are getting) sound good. As a college professor, I have a couple other suggestions:

Oh, all 2,000 comments on this post are all about you, are they?

I also thought the “most men are rapists” comment was uncalled for and categorically false.

No, most men are not. Lisak & Miller (2002) found in a sample of over 1800 men, that 120 identified as rapists (the term “rapist” was not used, but the researchers asked about non-consensual sexual contact). Out of those 120, a little over 1/3 had raped someone once. The majority of the rapists had committed multiple

Wow, that’s a hearty serving of wasabi. You sure, bro?

I agree! In fact, I think this season of Face Off was even better because of the focus challenge, where they get to spend a ton of time on the face makeup rather than also trying to fabricate a million things.

I also really loved that they had to be on-set making a short movie for the final challenge. What a great

In the interest of a little diversity here, I have always thought Gina Torres, Christina Adams, and of course, Angela Bassett are stunning. I have never seen anyone use their lips to act the way Bassett does.

Right? I guffawed when she sang “kept his lips wet.” What is this, Kidz Bop?

That was exactly my thought, especially with the Whataburger example. They are being rewarded for their horrible behavior, why would they stop?

(Yes, I know it’s not the server’s job to parent grown-ass people. But managers? Get it together!)

YES! Spot on advice. I have a cauliflower soup from Date Night by Meredith Phillips that is amazing, and that’s the key: browning the cauliflower and onions (and garlic) until very soft, combining with broth, boiling it until very soft, and using a hand blender to chop it up.

I’ve been able to use this successfully as