
I came here to nominate the Juno. I was floored the first time I tried it— it was like my breasts were bolted to my chest and did not move at all. When I bought my first, I was probably a 38DD; I'm now down to about a 34C and it still is a good option for me with all the jumping around and running I do.

I came here to nominate the Juno. I was floored the first time I tried it— it was like my breasts were bolted to my

I totally agree! I know that manatees are super friendly, but I once encountered two of them when I was kayaking, and my body totally went into panic mode against my will. They’re just so big, it’s kind of startling when you encounter them. I would probably die instantly if I ever encountered a whale.

There is no

"Uuuugh lose some weight!" #Stonestreeting

Scalia's dissent involves the question of whether this is a case of disparate treatment (which is what Ms. Young alleges) or disparate impact. Scalia argues that in the case of drivers losing certification (some for DUIs, some for sleep disorders) they were accommodated with a different job because they lost their

Hm... the OED says "sexist" can be an adjective or a noun. We use "racist" as a noun all the time, so why not "sexist"? Just curious; I'd actually a) never heard someone use "sexist" as a noun and b) had no idea that it would be improper grammar and now I want to know why it's poor grammar!

Depends on your genes! Fruit is pretty much out for me if I want to avoid the beetus. Maybe someday my pancreas will recover, but the most I can have is perhaps one small serving a day, and some fruits are verboten, like bananas. :(

Discoball realness.

RIGHT?! That is totally why I picked it. There is rarely an unnecessary Reply All that goes on at work, but when someone fucks it up, it is always amazing and entertaining. Once, someone hit Reply All with a super stupid comment that was clearly meant to be a Forward, and people harassed her so much that we literally

OK, March is officially half over. WHERE ARE OUR BRACKETS? I DEMAND BRACKETS!!

This is part of why I find stuff like Lean In and Melissa Mayer so frustrating. Why do women have to lean in? Why can't everyone else, men included, lean back, and do the things that we need to do for families and society? I'm all for working hard and being competent at your job, but putting in the 70 hours a week

I'm pretty sure Malala Yousafzai's work has benefited humankind a lot more than you squirting out your offspring. And I'm damn tired of hearing about how having children is such an unselfish act, and not having them is selfish. Children take up resources, and while I will happily support women who have children and

Even if that's true, it is incredibly rare that the points she hit on seem to be on PR people's lists, though. Given the absolutely abysmal apologies we've seen from folks like Paula Deen, I don't care how she came upon the correct way to apologize (through her own means or through PR training) but I'm really glad to

That's a fair point— I only watched the first episode of this season, so I can't really point to specific examples to refute that. But not every character has much back story, and when they do, it is story-driven. So if the point is that some of the characters played by actually disabled actors should have had juicier

Well, sure, but AHS is not the right venue for that story, really. Pretty much zero of their characters ever have rich personal lives, disabled or not. One show can't serve all masters, so it would be great if other shows would take that note and run with it.

When I read your comment, I was all "Who the fuck is Jamie Brewer? I don't remember any disabled people in the show..." and had to look it up. You're absolutely right— the way they treated her character is what I would love more of: disability as a characteristic, but not a defining feature. As a result of this, it

I know. It made me fall in love with Gillian Anderson all over again.

I have had friends do this too— sometimes you can't avoid social events at restaurants, and might not be able to get appropriate food beforehand, so I sort of get it. It's weird that NOBODY ordered food though… if none of you can eat there, then it's silly to go at all!

This would be my nomination for glass— the silicon wrap means that I can drop it without breaking it! Leakproof too. http://www.amazon.com/Lifefactory-22…

This would be my nomination for glass— the silicon wrap means that I can drop it without breaking it! Leakproof too.

This happened to me too! It immediately made me feel grossed out every time I drink from it now... even though I diligently clean it. And I'm not normally grossed out very easily.

This happened to me too! It immediately made me feel grossed out every time I drink from it now... even though I

I have one of these guys, and I honestly kind of hate it. You have to be super on top of cleaning it out, because the cap has nooks and crannies that can get nasty if you don't give it a good scrub with a Q-Tip. Also, I sort of feel a little awkward drinking it in front of people... I think I sort of feel like a giant

I have one of these guys, and I honestly kind of hate it. You have to be super on top of cleaning it out, because