
Absolutely. I have been really surprised about what piss babies some cops are. Between the childish turning backs on De Blasio (the families of the murdered cops asked him to speak!) to this hysterical response to a cartoon and the equally hysterical letter from Roorda about the Rams (which conveniently seems to miss

I think that as a woman in the weight room, earbuds are a must (even if you don't have anything playing through them). I have been weightlifting for years, and I know what I'm doing (I can swing a 100# kettle bell like it's NBD) and lots of men just CANNOT resist coming to give me advice. The last straw for me was

Yep. She lost me when she didn't take maternity leave, and then seemed to expect everyone to be able to do so.

I think that as a woman in the weight room, earbuds are a must (even if you don't have anything playing through them). I have been weightlifting for years, and I know what I'm doing (I can swing a 100# kettle bell like it's NBD) and lots of men just CANNOT resist coming to give me advice. The last straw for me was

I think that as a woman in the weight room, earbuds are a must (even if you don't have anything playing through them). I have been weightlifting for years, and I know what I'm doing (I can swing a 100# kettle bell like it's NBD) and lots of men just CANNOT resist coming to give me advice. The last straw for me was

I think that as a woman in the weight room, earbuds are a must (even if you don't have anything playing through them). I have been weightlifting for years, and I know what I'm doing (I can swing a 100# kettle bell like it's NBD) and lots of men just CANNOT resist coming to give me advice. The last straw for me was

I think there's a mix. I have definitely seen some side-eye from very fit people towards less fit people in gyms, but I also get a lot of attitude from some of my coworkers about my healthy diet and exercise ("Ugh, you're not having beers with us? You used to be fun!") because I think they feel badly about doing

I think there's a mix. I have definitely seen some side-eye from very fit people towards less fit people in gyms, but I also get a lot of attitude from some of my coworkers about my healthy diet and exercise ("Ugh, you're not having beers with us? You used to be fun!") because I think they feel badly about doing

If I required my husband to not fart around me, I'd pretty much never see him again.

Oh, a boy lost his life! You know young boys, they just don't take care of their things and leave them laying around. They are bound to get lost!


False! My eyebrows are super flat, and there is no way I can get gorgeous ones like that unless I do the old gluestick trick.

Maybe I've just had a really long day, but the sleeve of this dress kind of makes it look like she has a super-long rubber arm. Go, ElastiGirl!

Ooh, Durkee's! That is my secret weapon for making Deviled Eggs.

Wow, good job, Eminem, with rhyming the word "Rice" with "Rice." Such a lyrical genius.

Not weird. We got it on too… I had bought some sparkly nipple tassels for the occasion, and by gum, I was going to use them!

That's assuming that the family is actually supportive. Had Mr. Burnit and I not left early, this very well may have been us, because his mother, who had always disapproved of our relationship, got very drunk and bitched about me to my guests. Then she screamed at the waitstaff and made the head server cry. Thank

I agree that this was probably the intent, but this is very poorly written. The headline and first paragraph are just awful, and although she has one throw away sentence that's like "How awful, but OK" the rest of the article is played straight.

Thank you for saying this! As the fancy half of a fancy lady/ rugged man pair, this would never have worked. But we went together to pick out a few things that he liked okay, and I didn't pressure him to wear it unless it was *very* important to me ("No, you may not wear your Vibrams to dinner after my dissertation

Oh man. My school was way darker. "Dolly Parton had boobs that weighed 69 pounds which was 2 2 2 much, so she went to 51st street to see Dr. X and he 8 them. And that left her…"