Agreed, 100%. The ability of the Trumpies to debase themselves as abject and total rubes for this man is truly amazing.
Agreed, 100%. The ability of the Trumpies to debase themselves as abject and total rubes for this man is truly amazing.
i’ve been wondering how much of a problem that’s going to turn out to be, now that men can increase their testosterone so easily with all the pills and creams and such. because you know lots of guys are going to abuse that stuff and use too much, and men obviously can’t be trusted to control their impulsive,…
I cannot wait to see the karmic backlash from all this MAGA horse shit. It will be epic....if we are all still alive to see it happen.
Well, remember when Snoop Dogg did that video showing trump getting shot in the head? No one called for the end of his career.
Before this happened I was wondering what the reaction would have been if a man had done Kathy’s stunt instead of her. This isn’t quite the same, but it’s similar enough to make an interesting comparison.
Yeah I agree with this, saying something is politically motivated as an inherent negative is part of why people lose trust for any politicians...see HRC (anytime bernie bros specifically saw her do something they might like it was b/c it ‘played well’ like I’m so sorry she wanted to raise the minimum wage without a…
That’s the thing for me. It’s going to take the next president years to fix all of the stuff that Trump is fucking up. Some of the reputational things might not even BE fixable. How can other countries negotiate with us in good faith if we don’t honor any of our commitments and in fact take pleasure in double crossing…
For those who repeat the line of how Nicaragua & Syria are the only other two countries who are not part of the Paris Summit:
I guess if #teens can be legislated into being less horny, fewer of them will be murdered by supernatural serial killers at summer camps...?
Setting aside any contention to that self-proclaimed title, I would say it was when we elected Trump. You can’t really elect a rhetorical nativist while at the same time claiming to have the greater community’s interest at heart. That and the whole him being such an irredeemable bumblefuck not only can he not lead…
It would be very interesting if Trump claims executive privilege and tries to block Comey’s testimony. While the courts have generally gone along with Presidential claims of executive privilege, this is yet another instance where Trump’s big mouth may have compromised his legal case. He probably can’t talk and tweet…
Even worse than his “It would be nice to bring peace to the Middle East” [can’t remember exact quote]. It’s like his imaginary solutions to complex and devastating world problems are just charms on some bracelet he wears.
I don’t get the “renegotiate” thing. He clearly doesn’t understand what the whole thing was about. There’s no money spending, it’s just “Reduce pollution”. Or is this about the coal industry paying him money to keep it around, and he wants to come up with some solution that doesn’t involve the rest of the world saying…
The President’s decision to pull out of the Paris Accord is, perhaps, his dumbest, most short-sighted move to date (and that’s saying something).
Green Energy? The fuck do I want vegetables for?
I am amused by your comment and depressed about how true it is.
The problem with tackling climate change in this country is that the whole exercise has been wussified and so there’s no buy-in from real, red-blooded, Bud Lighted, Americans.
Trump only wants to reverse what was already placed, just to show everyone that he can, there will never be any replacement.
I think the whole “renegotiation” thingie = I want bribes.