
Thanks for this - the more I watched it came to light that she’d been live for hours (Jr email was breaking) so that was probably part of it. I’m loving Ali Velshi!

Yup. The percentage of supposed advocates for “men’s rights” who believe male victims of female rapists are “lucky,” male victims of domestic violence are “pussies,” paternity leave is stupid because it’s not their job to take care of kids, safety regulations in male-dominated industries like construction and mining

There’s also this subset called MGTOW or Men Going Their Own Way who claim to be men who wish to, idk, break the chains society forces on them and cease all contact with women because of how awful we are. Naturally almost everything they do is whine about women, to the point of several new recruits getting frustrated

And, ironically, anti-men - I’ve seen what they have to say about male victims of depression, sexual assault, and domestic violence when they think nobody’s reading. They call them pansies and losers, and hold them in deep contempt - despite allegedly being the reason that MRA groups need to exist, “because these men

You know what really turns women on? Pouty, entitled, needy sadboys who will spend hours crafting the perfect smarmy takedown of feminism to console their frail egos for not being gifted the “10/10 Tendie-Cooking Fuck-Mommy” achievement in life. These dudes should be drowning in a sea of soaked panties.

Yup. Fears of false accusations are wildly disproportion to actual instances of false accusations, and regardless, MRAs who are often white moderately well off males are the least likely to be subject to any kind of false prosecution and imprisonment.

Here, in a vignette, is the genesis of the ethos and hivelogic of all libertarian/men’s rights advocates:

Here’s how I imagine the meeting:

Well, exactly. They’re not about offering programs or assistance for men, to combat suicide/depression rates, to provide friendship or organised activities, to promote anti-DV or asssit victims of sexual assault/DV etc.

Yeah funny how these “men’s rights” groups don’t actually do anything about issues that could help men.

This is the ongoing faux-intellectualism of the Right.

Men’s rights activists should always be written as “men’s rights activists”, with the quotes around it.

This is so depressing and horrible.

It started out good, very “prestige” television: It was based on a Danish series that had gotten raves. For the American version they obviously switched up quite a bit, like who the murderer was, but they kept the premise of each episode of the show being a day in the investigation of the murder of Rosie, a local

This. Is it possible that he is too stupid to realize that weather the information was useful (it probably actually was since daddy was tweeting about “33,000 missing emails” the next day) or not has no bearing on if it constitutes collusion. The act of taking the meeting, based on the (Putin tied) Russian lawyer

Yea, this seems big. “Sure, I tried to rob the bank, but the teller wouldn’t hand over the money!” is rarely a great defense.

“During this busy period, Robert Goldstone contacted Don Jr. in an email and suggested that people had information concerning alleged wrongdoing by Democratic Party frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, in her dealings with Russia. Don Jr.’s takeaway from this communication was that someone had information potentially

That show got SO BAD by the end of season one (google “Season finale of The Killing” for some great rants by entertainment reporters) that when season 2 started there was no pity and no mercy. Just shredded it online and it was fun fun fun.

Oh, it didn’t. The Television Without Pity board lit up at the stupidity.

It’s like on The Killing where a character is told he isn’t being charged with attempted murder because the guy he beat into a two dimensional solid didn’t die. My head spun around at the ridiculousness.