Makes sense to me. I remember feeling a lot of complicated (and conflicting) things in the immediacy of my friend’s death. It took a while to sort them all out. I’m still working on it.
Makes sense to me. I remember feeling a lot of complicated (and conflicting) things in the immediacy of my friend’s death. It took a while to sort them all out. I’m still working on it.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. All of the feelings that you are feeling are so very normal. I hope that you can find the support that you need during this difficult time for you. Losing your mom is hard. she’s very likely the first person who ever knew you and whom you ever knew. We cannot underestimate the power of…
I understand it’s hard on you but try to reach out and get help with this.
I’m so sorry. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the decisions people make about the ends of their lives. They don’t always think about the aftermath and what those decisions will do to their loved ones. I hope that eventually you can get to a place where you’re not second-guessing the entire last year, where you can…
*hugs* I am so, so sorry. I hope you are soon surrounded by close friends and family to love on you. <3
Oh my I’m so so so so very sorry for your loss. Yes this place can feel like a community, and even more so during the Saturday night socials. I hope you feel heard here, and at the very least, please know that many strangers send hugs and kind thoughts your way, including me.
i’m so sorry for your loss :(
I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself <3
Hugs from an internet stranger. Your feelings are normal and all a part of the grieving process. Give yourself some slack and I would look into seeing a grief therapist if you can.
I’m sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))
We have GOT to stop allowing ourselves - the public, the media, the Dems, basically anyone that’s not a batty-ass conservative Republican - to be held hostage by the wingnuts by playing their game. Every bad thing can be traced back to trying to placate them as some kind of sane/normal political movement.
The importance of being truthful to the American public supersedes this. The men and women in the Federal Bureau of Investigations are our public servants and are thus accountable to us. They have no need to be completely transparent should it endanger their sources but it behooves them not to lie directly to the…
They base things on classified sources all the time. And say so publicly.
From other reports, it seems the document was always considered highly suspect within the intelligence community. One comment, off the record, even suggested that it was mostly used as a post hoc justification by Comey and his allies and played less role during the investigation. I don’t know if that’s true, though it…
He’s not on anyone’s side. He has a (somewhat well-deserved) image as a man of integrity. Unfortunately, like many so-called men of integrity, he bought into that hype about himself, and let his self-image as a man of integrity overwhelm his decision making process. So in order to protect his self-styled image, he…
Not only that, allowing the title “Director of the FBI” to legitimize what was going to be reported in right wing rags anyway. From a Republican perspective the investigation was never about the result, it was about using the investigation to muckrake.
So, having been played for a fool by the Russians, and realizing it, he just decided to go along with it. This is why we can’t have nice things (like a president who isn’t Donald Trump).
He was so busy trying to be non-partisan, and seen as non-partisan, that he made a deeply problematic set of decisions all about covering his own ass.