
It’s a cult mindset.

Do you ever get a feeling like we’re living in The Pod People movie? There can’t be that many willful idiots out there ... right?

My dad just said that whoever is leaking all of this info should be hanged cause he’s a traitor. I asked him if the subjects of these leaks should also be punished. Of course he was like no. I promptly blew up at him, reminding him he wasn’t worried about the person(s) who leaked the info from the DNC.

Ha! Fair enough, and you are right. I wasn’t intending to say that one was chronologically after another, but more to point out that the functional effect of each was to counteract the other. But the way my post reads is that NATO was a response to Warsaw and enacted after Warsaw, which is wrong, so I appreciate

That was infuriating. U.S. defense spending is 100% the result of domestic politics, and has nothing to do with our obligations to NATO. It’s especially infuriating given that Trump explicitly ran on the idea that we weren’t spending enough on defense, and that we needed to spend more to be “great.”

I just NEED to point out you got it backwards. NATO was 1949; Warsaw was 1955.

Once again “The Onion” predicted this absurdity years in advance

Did you see where he mentioned that our defense spending was greater than all of Nato’s combined? I wish someone would ask him if that meant that when all Nato partners are at the 2% of GDP in 2024 that we can significantly decrease our defense budget. Because he made it sound like our spending is that high because of

So, some context about NATO the president obviously doesn’t know.

I’m expecting the “Street Fighters” to be issued snappy, tailored, black uniforms, some shiny knee-high boots and a couple of swell lapel pins that kind of look like a lightning bolt. Just to instill a certain pride in the job, you know?

Lying while filing out SF-86 forms, in the words of my retired army officer relative, is “...not only something you don’t do, but is a really fucking stupid thing to do. You just don’t do it.”

I fill out the same form every five years. I would be FUCKING FIRED if I pulled this same kind of bullshit. FUCK THESE MOTHERFUCKERS AND ALL OF THE ASSFUCKS RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING THESE DOUCHEBAGS IN POWER. Sorry, not sorry, am on my third drink.

I’m wondering if I met with Sergey Kislyak last year? Because apparently I wouldn’t remember, if I did.

This is literally too much, now. We’re getting daily - hell, hourly - reports of their collusion with Russia.

We’d really waste less time if we simply required Kislyak to note all of the American politicians with whom he has met. All on one list, yo!

Sergey Kislyak, the most forgettable man in the world.

You mean he failed to correctly log his Sessions?

Technically, there wasn’t much he could have done. CIA doesn’t have domestic jurisdiction, the FBI’s Counter-Intelligence unit would have ended up investigating this (as they evidently have been/are). He’s also not been the head of the CIA since the inauguration, so it’s Pompeo who would be dealing with the aftermath

This is going to be a long line of people who saw something but did nothing isn’t it?