
“Entitlement” didn’t always have a pejorative sense. In its original sense, it describes programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. where meeting particular criteria automatically entitles you to a benefit. This is as opposed to earlier welfare/antipoverty programs that were granted according to the

That maddens me because entitlements are not a bad thing! It literally means that these people are actually, literally entitled to receive support from the government. The public is entitled to clean water. The public is entitled to financial services. The public is entitled to healthcare.

Well some of us has family and friends in South Korea.

Kim Jung Un is not crazy, his rational goal is to stay in power......a preemptive nuclear strike from North Korea to the US serves no purpose, unless his regime is already falling...

Perhaps not but Japan is pressuring the UN (and U.S. delegates) to seriously look into the matter and do something about it.

And... ya know, even our beloved RBG enjoyed spending time with Antonin Scalia. And mourned his passing. People contain multitudes.

eh, there are plenty of people out there (rightfully) shitting on ailes’s grave. One less makes no difference. I can’t bring myself to care about Maddow here. I guess the dilemma breaks down like this: if someone you know is a huge piece of garbage, but you’ve never had a problem with the person and he even gave your

Not that he’s a great judge of character (he likes Kellyanne Conway and Peggy Noonan) but Chris Matthews was saying that Ailes was a professionally decent and friendly person too. He said he was pretty much responsible for him being in the news business so he had to give him credit.

Rachel lives in a rarefied little world. Within the context of that world, she’s having her relationships and she’s speaking her mind. It’s complicated. The world is full of complicated relationships. Human affection is complicated. Sometimes there’s a sharp bright line between the personal and the political, and

UK Election Update:

That’s how I feel too. I mean what’s so great about us? Or even good? Besides this kind of stuff, environmentally we’re a joke. The American dream? That’s a made up fantasy to indoctrinate us to work 70 hours a week in hopes that we’ll eventually get rich. We are such a selfish, sick society.

We’re fucked because two years ago Labour elected “some guy” to be their leader simply because he wasn’t “like the others”.

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UK Election Update:

Oh, no, that’s the worst thing about her. She cares deeply about gutting the public education system. She’s a colossally ignorant fanatic who really believes that we need to destroy the village to save it, and she will work tirelessly and diligently to fuck up an entire generation of small children in the belief that

UK Election Update:

*takes giant bite of chicken kept in the dark with thousands of other chickens*

Glad she saved those animals!

Well I am a lifelong vegetarian and I have seen many many videos of american slaughter houses. My point was what makes one (cow or pig) ok and the other (dog or horse) not? It seems to be level of cuteness or the affinity a society feels for that specific animal. You seem to be missing my point on purpose so I will be

That’s a valid point. However, I wonder if LVP has looked into how cows and pigs are treated in this country before they are slaughtered. Pumping them full of hormones and antibiotics, stuffing them into cages where they can’t move, getting them so fat their legs snap under their own weight, throwing them down chutes,

Do we care about this because we keep dogs as pets (especially in the West)? I don’t see any difference between a dog meat festival and a BBQ festival, and pigs are smarter than dogs. Let ‘em hold it I say.