I was actually with him and had no problem with his approach until this:
I was actually with him and had no problem with his approach until this:
I’m truly, truly loving the UK media who go “oh my god, why won’t anyone stop Erdogan” in response to these events only months after a fucking military coup attempted to stop him while the media decried it as “undemocratic”.
Personally, I think that the entire Executive Branch, or at least those members of it that trace their posts back to Trump, should be swept clean in the event the Election is determined to be fatally tainted. Unfortunately, I envision some mealy-mouthed compromise (in the interests of “national healing,” no doubt),…
It’s been reported that NATO allies (and Israel) are reluctant to share intelligence with the US because they’re afraid it will leak to the Russians.
“According to a Public Policy Polling report released Tuesday, 48% of Americans support impeaching Trump compared to 41% who are against it.”
Hilary Clinton: smart enough to mastermind multiple political murders, too dumb to go to Wisconsin. This according to several Berner acquaintances 🙄
yep. Blown away about this shit.
Trump personally thanked Alex Jones on his show and told him how important he was. Seriously.
two of my friends who are die-hard ‘BernieBros’ are posting shit about this today.
I saw a CNN report yesterday about Fox News (CNN just referred to them as a rival network) going after the kid who was bopped by Mike Pence and demanded an apology I don’t know who the Fox News talking heads are, but it looked like that Judge Jeanine creature and she was throwing barbs like “Liberals are birthing…
A ring-wing conspiracy theory you say? Weird, the only crazies I’ve seen spreading this nonsense all over the internet have been the Bernie or Busters. It’s almost as if they were getting their talking points from the dregs of the right...
Even more apt than your analogy: Those lemmings were pushed off the cliff for that film, and that’s exactly what’s happening here.
Vice News actually reported on this just before the election. See the data visualization below. Clinton supporters were polarized, but not cohesive. They got their news from a lot of different sources. But there’s this core of right-wing supporters who feed on this isolated ecosystem of right wing news.
I still see Andrew Napolitano on Faux News every morning when I’m at the gym. I thought they canned him for spreading lies......
Ew. Your game is over Gram. Sorry… It was Vince, in the parlor, but he murdered Seth with chemtrails. Not a candlestick. So close.
It should scare the FUCK out of everyone that FOX is parroting RT, Wikileaks and Sputnik. They’re going all in on the HEY LOOK OVER HERE AT THIS RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA!
The recent Sinclair media purchase has them terrified, you can tell.
Whatevs. HC decked out in all black murdering her own party members and leaving flaming bags of shit on people’s doorsteps would be both suiting and gratifying after the muck she was drug through during the election cycle.
There’s no conspiracy.
So Hillary killed this dude but Anthony Weiner’s still alive? Puh-leaze