Speaking of the grail quest, totally read Patricia McKillip’s Kingfisher! It works with arthurian tropes but is an entirely original work.
Speaking of the grail quest, totally read Patricia McKillip’s Kingfisher! It works with arthurian tropes but is an entirely original work.
it’s truly mindboggling. not only am i baffled that he would just choose to not be in my life anymore, but...you want to get married to your partner and you want to adopt a baby and you work for the government in CPS and...you think he’s the one who will make your life easier?
my former roommate is a gay man, and is extremely pro-trump. when he realized i was voting for hillary, he unfriended me on every social media and no longer returns my texts.
The clue is in his name: Jeff Beauregard Sessions. As I’ve said here before, he’s a slave plantation come to life, as his past proves. He’s doing this to lock up as many people of color as possible before his trial and execution for treason.
Wanna go on a punching spree with me?
My Libertarian brother laid a load of that bullshit on me during the election.
“Come on man, he’s not religious and he doesn’t care about drugs or gay people. He’s going to be socially liberal and fiscally conservative and that’s exactly what the country needs.”
“Have you ever listened to a single goddamned thing that…
I’m super tired of pretty much ALL “origin stories” at this point, and I guess in many ways the “sword in the stone” story is the ultimate origin story. I am also tired of testosterone-filled Arthurian retellings. Still waiting for a GOOD Mists of Avalon movie or series, sigh.
He was also not religious so wouldn’t mess with women’s health and abortions, remember? Ah bros, so wise.
THIS IS WHY SESSIONS IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN DEVOS!!!!! Anyway, what can we do now? I am Mexican so I am more connected to immigrant advocacy groups (some of which also fight the for-profit prision conglomerates) but I want to get more involved in the fight against mass incarceration. Advice is accepted. By the way,…
Just like Trump was a good candidate for the LGBTQ+ community? I remember hearing that bullshit claim a lot as well. Hows that one working out?
Because it’s been proven that harsh sentences decrease drug use and trafficing in the general population, right? They’re making this decision based on solid research, right? Not racism and bigoted stupidity?
DNC should buy some office space at the Watergate, just to see if Trump will keep up the Nixon shit.
It’s so fucking hard not to actually hate all the libertarian bros and broettes who said Trump wouldn’t give a shit about marijuana and the war on drugs.
hmm.... It’s almost like we have an Attorney General that fully supports systemic racism and wants to make America “great” again.
Good point and thanks for the correction.
Would love to hear them, though, because you KNOW they vindicate Comey, not Trump.
Trump is now claiming that he has supposedly been secretly recording his conversations with government officials.
One of the dumbest parts in the Holt interview is when Trump goes off on a tangent about how he hired a really big law firm to send a certified letter to Lindsey Graham, saying he has nothing to do with Russia. And then kept reiterating that it was a certified letter, certified. And sent by a big-time law firm.
Threatening Comey while also hinting he may just cancel press briefings in their entirety today. Jesus titty fucking Christ.