
How is this not prima facie obstruction of justice? “I was going to fire Comey, knowing there was no good time to do it,” he told Lester Holt. “And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for

He reminds me EXACTLY of a former boss of mine. Couldn’t finish a sentence, functionally illiterate, operating on whims no one else could fathom, quick to rage at anyone competent around him, but kept drug abusers, embezzlers, and incompetent assholes around him in positions of power. Incredibly stupid, completely

Ummm, now that you said this it seems so obvious that I can’t believe this has not been a working theory all along. I mean, you know he was too lazy to ever really be making his own business deals whereas she seems to legitimately be involved in everything. If there were some shady dealings with Russia, she’s totally

The New Yorker article on the hotel in Azerbaijan was insane.

I hear trumps new cyber security EO, calls for Fancy Bear Pro+ Gold Edition to be installed on all gov computers.

Nixon was losing it somewhat at the end no doubt. But his was more a kind of, woe is me it’s all over, breakdown.

Ivanka shared photo(s) of herself vacationing with Wendi Deng, who was supposedly in a relationship with Putin in early 2016.

Or it had more to do with financial crimes preceding the office than any actual collusion. Could still be Ivanka in that regard too. Given Flynn is still a sore spot, maybe he knew and was blackmailing trump. The fucked up thing, guys like Flynn/Manafort/Page, wouldn’t even need to do anything nefarious. They would

It’s been said that Ivanka has been the Trump organization’s “bag-man” for bribes for years and specifically to “business associates” in Azerbaijan.

I’m going to hypothesize for a moment (based on nothing) that Trump has done all this to protect someone. Now the only person he really cares about is himself, but I don’t actually think Trump was involved with the Russians because that involves having done work....which leads me to the other person Trump cares

UK Election Update:

“I was going to fire Comey,” Trump told NBC. “Regardless of the recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.”

When comparing this to Watergate, I’m struck by several things.

Rachel Maddow had some sage advice about the Trump administration. Whenever possible treat them like a silent movie and watch what they do, not what they say. Because they lie, constantly. It’s what they do that matters. And what they did was try to obstruct justice by throwing a road block in front of the Russia

“And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

Does he not realize that by saying “it was all me, I did it all by myself with no help from anyone” isn’t the best thing to say after firing the guy investigating you.

“We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” Sanders said about the FBI investigation into the Russian hack during the election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

Oh so you were always going to fire Comey? But what about that whole Jeff Sessions recommendation over the mishandling Clinton investigation story? Am I hearing this right, because this is sort of the complete opposite of your whole narrative these last 48 hours. Are you telling me that was all bullshit?

When you order up a helping of plausible deniability and then just say “fuck it, I’m the boss!” and implicate yourself in a cover-up.