
At my Houston high school, when I was a sophomore, two self-avowed Nazi students beat a Latinx student into a coma (for the full details, read about it here). These were kids who wore Nazi clothing, had Nazi articles on campus, were known Nazis. It just happened, the same way confederate flag t-shirts happened and

Like seriously...all of your police chiefs, in a deeply republican state, are against it. Against something that literally gives them license to racially profile people. When the police are against something that gives them the literal power to racially profile brown people you are doing something wrong...

I have been forced to conclude that Republicans—from the least little base voter straight on up to their orange Ubermensch, and including every gibbering jackal of a Congressman or governor or county assessor or state treasurer in between— are low, smirking, unhinged sociopaths who constitute a clear and present

It was an obvious result.

We could try bitching repeatedly about how anything less than a 100% progressive is worse than a republican.

The difference, though, is that there are actual competent staff who are drafting and enacting things.

You think they missed that?

Right. What strikes me as egregious here is that they rammed the bill through without a serious attempt at holding hearings or hearing from the CBO. Having staffer read the bill and brief the reps seems like a reasonable thing to do.

Where is there symmetry in the situation? It’s like when the Budhists carved statues into the sides of mountains with great skill over decades and the Taliban didn’t like it and blew them to dust.

For most bills that would be correct - however this bill is the crowning achievement the Republicans have been calling for more than six years. It is the major cause the President claims swept him to the White House (with a slight minority of all voters.)

I used to work there, and furthermore bills generally don’t mean much by themselves. They tend to say things like “in subsection 4(A), change effective January 1, 2020 to effective January 1, 2020 subject to approval by the Board as established in subsection 19(C).”

While I think they should read the entire bill, I understand why they don’t. What really irks me is that they don’t even seem to ask their staffers the right questions. OK, Collins had staffers read it, could he not ask or could not one of them tell him that “Here is how it affects New York.” I want to know what

This is actually a dumb criticism whenever it’s brought up. Asking a legislator to read every part of every bill is like asking a software development team lead to personally review every line of code their team writes. It’s a pointless exercise and fundamentally misunderstands how things work. Legislators should be

Q. What is black and white and read all over.

Yeah, but her emails or some shit...

Janet Jackson’s nip slip, anyone?

Was a bad night for Lib Dems, they wanted to make an earthquake but they still look like a waste of a vote

The FCC has to respond to complaints for things that happen on the broadcast networks. How they respond is up to them, but they are now headed by a petty incompetent moron who was appointed by the head petty incompetent moron, so it’s hard to predict what kind of shitfuckery violation of our First Amendment this will

Check out Mike Huckabee being a real winner on Twitter...