
judging by the apparent morbid sense of “humor” the universe apparently has, I’m going to guess at some point we’re going to see data (if it doesn’t already exist) showing how the areas that are hardest hit by the opiod crisis are also areas that went hard for Trump.

Exactly. I mean, shouldn’t the person with the near-debilitating illness be getting help and support for said illness? But instead we’re supposed to worry about Peter?

Agree. Something about not being face to face and not having real-time/live reactions and not being one on one makes people behave so badly!

Oh it is! Almost 2 years ago I was innocently perusing facebook and the column on the right showed a lot of activity on a friend’s page. I went to the page and started reading the posts, I quickly realized they were condolence messages and that’s how I learned my friend had a massive heart attack and didn’t survive

Learning about deaths of family members through texts and FB is just barbaric, imho.

I hate this shit of referring to Congress as a whole. That’s what makes people hate government as an institution, not the party who’s actually to blame. It’s Republicans in Congress who haven’t reacted to police brutality, not the whole institution. Democrats have been really vocal about police brutality, have


I missed a funeral. A college friend’s mom died, he only mentioned it on Facebook, and they live in another state so I don’t get their newspaper and didn’t see the obit.

I’m just starting to realize HOW default it has become. I recently missed the opportunity to apply to a small academic conference in my field because the professional association running it has an ancient website currently under construction (though it doesn’t say that on the website...) and only put out the call for

I’ve (under a different user name, which I lost, so sue me) previously recounted on here the story of my (British pensioner) dad being grilled on his opinions on WWII/Churchill/Russia by US border people when they found out he’d been a history teacher.

Same here! I’m still stubbornly anti-social media. It really does get you some weird looks from people. I get the same reaction for that now as I did 15 years ago when I would freely admit I got rid of my TV and didn’t regret it.

*smacks my dentures* Well, back in my day, people used their phones to talk to other people. They would dial those silly phone numbers, and then there would be a ringing sound, and then the other person would pick up the phone, and you would have a talky conversation! Bah humbug and get off my lawn! *swats young’un

They don’t have to prove you wrong. The visa applicant has the burden of proof so you have to prove that you DON’T have social media accounts. Ask me how I know. (Ok, I’ll tell you anyway. Had someone denied for their greencard because they could not provide any records demonstrating that they were never charged or

Where are they even gonna get all the additional foreign-language speaking employees to cover social media? I somehow doubt that DHS has hundreds of surplus Arabic-speakers who aren’t already tasked to something more urgent.

Oh hi! Are you me? I participated in FB for about six months, ended up deeply disliking everyone I was “friends” with on there so much that it ended several real life friendships.

So funny story: I don’t have a social media presence. I do t Facebook, twitter or instagram.

Visa is becoming so difficult; clearly Mastercard is more accepting.

I never really ‘got’ Facebook, it seems like a way to keep in touch with people you don’t care about enough to actively contact. Which just seems like a waste of time. Although now when I tell people I don’t and haven’t ever had one they’ve stopped reacting like I was crushing a puppies head with my bare hands in

When Mark Zuckerberg is President, he’s going to make not having a Facebook account enough suspicion to throw you into Guantanamo.

It’s the same shit female cab drivers have been dealing with for fucking decades. Personally, 22 years. People are jerks to folks who work in service industries to begin with. When they are in am enclosed space it gets worse. The taxi industry warned you all this would happen and now you’re surprised.