That’s fine. But it’s also a fact that Clinton was the most popular politician prior to the primaries and we all know how that turned out.
I’m so sick of this graphic. So what, you want the DNC to totally fall in line behind the person with the best poll numbers right now? Weird, because last time there was even the appearance that they did that, when Hillary Clinton had historically high approval numbers before the primaries began, everyone cried foul...
Again, treating Hillary like a big loser because she got 2.86 M MORE votes than Trump is causing cognative dissonance so severe headaches. No Electoral College, no problem.
Literally nobody is making the argument that it was her turn. How are you not getting this? Or are you purposefully misconstruing people’s reasons for supporting her as boiling down to “it’s her turn” because that seems to be your agenda here? If you want to argue that Bernie supporters “get” to prefer Bernie for…
I started out as a Sanders supporter and switched to Hillary based on how Bernie ran his campaign. Partly because I am fucking INCENSED at the fact that people can both say that Hillary was not trustworthy and that there is no sexism involved in her loss.
We were absolutely not allowed to be thrilled at the possibility of a female president. Any mention of it and we were just voting with our vaginas.
Clinton has always been knocked for not being charismatic, but I think this election showed that for male candidates, they can be emotional all the want and people eat it up. Can a female candidate be emotional?
Yeah...when I was watching the debates and pundits were saying that they were tied or that Trump did well simply because he didn’t shit himself, but every breath, misstep, or cough from Hillary became something to discuss for thirty minutes I KNEW that everything was going to roll right off of him and stick to her.
It certainly didn’t help that the media sucks. Everyone breathlessly reported everything stupid thing that came from WikiLeaks. But they rarely questioned Trump about every lie he or his campaign told. Now those same people in the media want to play the victim when Trump or others members of the administration are…
The hatred I feel over how we have been continuously asking Clinton why she felt she should run, as opposed to every fucking rich white dude, ever, is almost as much as my hatred for white dudes who feel that the first black president should be the first to voluntarily not profit off if it because white dudes who know…
I know. How fucking dare the most qualified candidate run. And how fucking dare her colleagues think that now isn’t the best time to run. And how dare women get excited that this is first chance that they could actually have a president that is a woman after centuries of men, especially when countries that we see as…
Oh, fuck this shit. If she got a few more votes in three states, she would have won and this book would have been about Hillary’s glorious, historic victory in which everybody comes off looking like heroes. Everyone on Obama’s team has said over the past couple of weeks that their campaign in both ‘08 and ‘12 were hot…
And she wasn’t the inevitable candidate, there were several people who ran against her in the primary and she beat them all. We tend to forget that because most of the other Democratic primary candidates were, well, forgettable.
A lot of this kind of “Clinton lost because she sucks” analysis seems to be missing that candidates exactly like Trump are popping up in a lot of Western countries (Philippines, France, England) and *winning.* Yes, Clinton may be uniquely awful and somehow The Worst Campaign Runner Ever, and yet many candidates that…
But...that’s not really why a lot of people voted for her? I think it’s so sexist that people keep pushing this. I voted for her because she had such a long and successful career and had a lot of the same values I did. Abortion access and gun control are two of my biggest issues for example and she has a strong…
I don’t think Sanders helped. 2016 came down to populism vs policy wonk. Clinton was in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t position- she could push back on Sanders, but not attack him, for several reasons. You don’t kick down, and Sanders was losing, so it was kicking down. If she pulled Sanders apart, point by…
She lost because the media (cough, cough) decided Trump was more newsworthy and so saturated the nation with free publicity for him. It’s really that simple, and it’s why he will win in 2020. Literally no one could have beaten him in the face of that.
Given what’s bubbling under in whispers of two currently assembled grand juries, I suspect that these books are going to look a little quaint in a decade. You can say “I don’t want to downplay Russia”, but there’s a reason this book rushed to release before the focus radically shifts.
Ok I see. No matter how much Jezebel contributed to a Trump presidency by continually tearing down a progressive and qualified candidate they will never jump off the Clinton hate train because it gets too many clicks.