The self-professed libertarians better be as up in arms over this suggestion as they are over seat belt laws
The self-professed libertarians better be as up in arms over this suggestion as they are over seat belt laws
For more this tweet, simply her personal view on what the Conservatives media strategy seemed to be which was letting Labour bury itself in Scotland:
It’s things like this that sometimes make me sort of think that maybe Trump might kind of possibly be a goddamn fascist piece of shit.
What’s amazing here is Priebus felt safe in admitting to this and having faith that the political futures of himself and everyone else he implicated wouldn’t be totally destroyed by the revelation. Something that wouldn’t have been the case before this election.
She was linked to one report that was found to breach rules, one. If every BBC journalist was sacked because of one report there’d be no one at the BBC (or for that matter any legitimate press organisation) left. Most of the complaints, such as the most recent petition which calls for her sacking for the use of the…
Totally. I mean look at the access Hollywood video. The GOP were more horrified by the word pussy than a presidential candidate bragging about sexual assault.
Meanwhile, the ACLU is looking into hiring first year law students to work on the upcoming lawsuits because these are so simply, obviously unconstitutional ideas.
Leave it to fucking Republicans to think that the second amendment (and their grossly ridiculous interpretation of it that has resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths) is more important than the first. The first amendment is first for a reason, dickbags.
Yeah well, I’m worried that’s the common reaction to evil before it becomes mainstream.
They didn’t all get disgusted or bored. Most of the manosphere stuck by him. The only difference between what Milo said and what places like Reddit’s Red Pill have been advocating for is that Milo defended a man’s right to fuck a male child, and not a pre-teen girl.
They may not have been openly supporting him because…
Well considering he uses the media to incite hate against people he doesn’t like (like trans women, black women, and so on) and to deliberately spread lies, fuck him. The ONLY reason he’s “fallen” is because he advocated having sex with minors. Oh, only then was he just too much for Conservatives.
If this is anything like that scholarship he made for white dudes, it’s going straight to his own pocket.
Lethal injection is the way we have our cake and eat it too. We (in the broad sense, not necessarily you or me) get to tell ourselves and the rest of the world that we’re civilized because we execute using clean, effective, medical-looking, sceincey-sounding drugs. But we also get to indulge our vengeful side and…
Lots of issues going on here but the must clear cut one is that we should be using nitrogen asphyxiation for these if we’re going to do them.
Hype? I mean sure there was a little, but really she did what any person with a news show does when there’s a big story. If other people got themselves in a tizzy about it and are now disappointed, that’s on them. It’s still a big story, but no one should have expected a smoking gun, otherwise they would have had…
Okay, so this has become a thing where politicians are somehow expected to remember everyone they’ve ever interacted with over their entire, multi-decade careers. Like when Hillary said “where was Bernie when I fought for health care in 1993?” and someone found a picture of him standing behind her as she gave a…
He falls into the old trap of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Same thing with the Jacobin, they are ideologues first and foremost. There is a reason they ignore the violence and deprivation in places like Venezuela, because they only care about ideology and not the people they claim to stand up for.
He hates Hillary to such an extent that he’s fallen for the old ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’
He has gone oddly pro Putin. It is a head scratcher.
I’m surprised the Intercept didn’t pick him up again after these incidents. They tend to support people who view women as objects.