
It’s almost like evidence indicates we suck at our particular form of democracy that gives our leaders the freedom to deceive people.

jesus christ, who in the administration HASN’T spoken to the russians at this point

I watched MSNBC they did not fall over on this whole “presidential” thing. The man read a speech that was written for him and not how he thinks and the people who believe it are fucking sheep. Earlier in the day he said Jews were behind the bomb threats.

First they came for the faggots and sluts, and I righteously cheered, because people should be punished for making lifestyle choices I don’t approve of, because The Bible!

It’s also important to consider why majority Whites supported Democrats when FDR’s policies did not extend to PoC but that support faded as those progressive policies were extended to PoC. You can’t ignore that fact and that’s something Bernie and his supporters consistently do. That’s how we lost the poor whites

The same dudes who told me I was silly for making the case that Citizen’s United ruling undermines American Democracy, and this is a conversation we had several time back in 2012-2014, suddenly were the real progressives since they supported Bernie. There’s no doubt in my mind that support for Bernie was greatly

Why, did you not hear enough sexist invective thrown at Clinton?

My initial response (to the headline) was to respond with some faux surprised snark. But the details are unbearable, devastating. May those children receive so much counseling and love, and not repeat the cycle of abuse. This is simply beyond words. The death penalty is too kind for this couple.

He used the Party’s infrastructure to benefit himself but just yesterday came on CNN and said he won’t share his e-mail list with DNC. Of course he felt DNC owed him their contacts though. He’s a selfish, ungrateful, inconsiderate jerk! Epitome of male privilege and blind to it. He also had no issue endorsing an

This. And i’m all for extending this ban to every network. Seriously, it’s like the only characters who are allowed to have a career not involved in law or medicine are those in sitcoms.

Has CBS considered not making a show that’s either a police procedural or a legal drama?

As a black person. I should be angrier then I am. But I would not wish homelessness on anyone. I feel sad that she can’t get a job. She has harmed no one and is at best deluded. There are genuinely evil people out there who have done great harm to people, whom We grant forgiveness to. Surely we can find it in our

What really is a headache about this her actual work ethic for her chapter was really impressive. You compare her work to our multiple chapters throughout Maryland and it makes a few here look like they only show to church events and not around the community like the chapter she got involved with.

Seriously. A fellow human being is about to be homeless and all they can do is revile and ridicule her. Not cool, people. Sorry she doesn’t conform to your worldview, but SHE IS ABOUT TO BE HOMELESS. If that’s OK with you, you are a BAD PERSON. Even Trumpists, the vilest of the vile, deserve to have shelter.

I mean... a curling iron is a relatively inexpensive one time cost... and the sun is free... for now.

Seriously. We should not be okay with her becoming homeless. That is completely unacceptable.

The level of unthinking schadenfreude in this post and in the comments is frankly making me uncomfortable.

Having a child that is on appearance a different race than he is/we are has changed my views on this topic. Arguing with strangers about whether or not my white appearing son actually “is” white has made me wonder how much of race really is just a social construct.

>there has never been a proven case of “Irish need not apply” in America.