
Exactly my point. Too many of those so-called checks and balances are based on tradition or convention, not law. Without the rule of written law - and meaningful punishments or sanctions to back up those laws - the U.S. was ripe for the steamroller that is Twitler.

Those checks and balances have been working out real well so far, what with the legislative branch deciding that they no longer are necessary (other than to dismantle every last vestige of equality left on the books) and with the executive branch straight up ignoring the judiciary.

Im currently doing my MA dissertation on the difference in media representation between Islamic and Christian terrorist attacks since the early 1990s.

And yet we keep hearing about how woke and involved Millennials are, while 75% of them were too “cool” to vote. Time they redefine what’s cool.

Cool, this year more white dudes are going to be shooting people, with even less accountability.

Do people need to be actually shot before they realize an entire government is waging war against them? I am so tired of hearing peers of mine (FD: I’m 30 years old) downplay the severity of everything Trump, or act like they are the cool kid who doesn’t care about anything political. What’s almost as maddening as

This just keeps getting better and better like... Dylann Roofs ass literally just shot up some black folks not too long ago but yeah its the Muslims who the focus should be on...Canada literally had a trump loving asshole shoot up a mosque but no its the people who are being attacked who should be watched....smh watch

President Bannon Trump is moving incredibly quickly and I can’t help but remember when Jill Stein had the nerve to say that Trump wasn’t as dangerous as Clinton because he wouldn’t be effective in his dangerous agenda.

Fun fact: In the United States there have been more armed attacks by right-wing extremists in the 15 years since 9/11 than there have been by Muslims.

I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.

I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.

He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC

You know, two weeks ago I could accept the Pence is worse argument. When it became clear that 45 actually thinks the crazy shit he said during the campaign, that went right out. I’ll take a bible-thumping, anti-choice, calls-his-wife-’mother’ normal person any day.

Yes, there are no saviors. There are no heroes waiting in the wings. There’s only us. There’s only this. We’ve got to lead ourselves out of the darkness, and we’re doing it already. Damn their lies. They will see the people rise!

Please don’t wait for a leader. Don’t pin your hope for resistance on a group that looks like the movements we’ve seen in movies.

With that in mind, I’m very disappointed GWB didn’t take a hard, vocal stance against Trump during the election. I think he really could have reached a lot of people had he spoken out. After all, he and Laura didn’t even vote! I’m sure he saw Trump for who he was, but was reluctant to put himself back in the spotlight

“It also feels like we have no true leadership.”

Right after the election, many were arguing to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Why compare him to a dictator like Mussolini when he hasn’t done anything yet?” they said. “This is America,” they said. “Checks and balances...”

I’m not convinced that he does. I think Bernie is a more ideas guy; as in general ideas of what he would like to see, but not a policy guy who wades into the weeds on exactly HOW to accomplish those goals. I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with having big ideas; just that someone who knows the intricacies

Why is he wasting his time with this fucking distraction?! The blitzkrieg of shit the Trump regime is doing isn’t enough?!  Good Ol’ Bernie always helping the opposition! Fuck him!