
Bernie Sanders is a prideful shit who believed his own marketing campaign. He’s a vindictive, sore loser who went out of his way to avoid making a positive argument in favor of the candidate who beat him—choosing instead to make an argument against her opponent. When polling data suggested that Clinton was going to

No, he hasn’t. But it is adorable that he has snowed you into believing that.

That’s adorable. What I like most about Bernie Sanders supporters is their love of quoting bullshit, magical thinking polling numbers to prop up their confirmation bias. It was cute when you guys were doing it to delegitimize the ass kicking your chosen candidate got in the primaries. It’s even cuter when you do it

Plus, he’s a dick and not a Democrat and I’m positive Obama hates him, too.

I think there are a LOT of people who are sick to death of Bernie and his rude-ass supporters who cost Clinton the election with their petulant bullshit, and I agree with OP that, even though I like how liberal Bernie is, I would be less than thrilled to see him become the candidate next election.

Your comment is emblematic of how he (and you) got us where we are today. Thanks for playing.

Because both of them want to be the de facto option in 2020 and their followers universally are unwilling to see their blind ambition.

You’ll get shit for this but I 100% agree. He does not articulate his platform well (he can hardly talk about anything other than his stump speech) and he stayed in the race far too long and drove down enthusiasm for Clinton. He is not and has never been a Democrat and I am honestly kind of mad at the DNC for letting

Bernie is one of the people who I would least want representing the Democratic/liberal/progressive view on healthcare and Obamacare. He is a poor debater and has a hard time articulating his arguments other than “us vs. millionaires/billionaires” and “the UK has socialized healthcare so why can’t we???”

Bernie’s “old man yells at cloud” routine may or may not qualify him as a firebrand, but I can almost guarantee that it’ll be instantly tuned out by anyone who isn’t already a big fan of his.

I am worried that Bernie won’t be better prepared. He seems to repeat the same talking point about the top 1% when pushed, but I’m not sure if he has actually done his homework on this issue. How awful would it be to lose a debate to Ted “Sociopath” Cruz?

“A Noun and a verb and the top 1%”* vs. A creepy sociopath

For all of Ted Cruz’s weirdo faults, he’s an excellent debater. The upside of this is “waste of time” and the downside is “Ted Cruz wins debate”.

Seriously. Fascism is taking hold in America and this is what the “Revolution Leader” Bernie does? I’ve said it a hundred times but it bears repeating. Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Bernie: “All people in America should have affordable healthcare!”

Who the fuck even wants to watch this??? Why are we inventing opportunities for partisan fighting, to literally no benefit?

And I will not watch Bernie rail on and on with the same talking points with ever increasing volume. It’s really bad. My mom, like many others, was at least intrigued by Bernie at the beginning of the Democratic primary, but texted me about 15 minutes into the first primary debate... “I still kind of like him but I do

Hmmm...if Bernie Sanders really wants to inform the country about what they stand to lose if Obamacare is repealed, and I’m willing to extend the benefit of the doubt that is his purely noble goal, a good thing to NOT simultaneously give Ted Cruz a platform to scream a bunch of shitty falsehoods and misdirections

That’s a whole lot of unwatchable right there. Fuck both of ‘em.

Ted is just going to lie and lie with that smug smirk on his face. I don’t see this being productive.