
Does it come with a box of tissues and something small and fragile that shatters satisfyingly when I get enraged and hurl it at the wall? Because both will be required.

“America is more racist and misogynistic than I had bargained for”

I wonder what runs through her head while Trump’s administration unfolds? I think history will be very kind to her. I understand politics is ugly, but the ways she has been smeared over the years is so vile.

you don’t even have to be that “old” I’m 30 and I remember everything clearly. but a big theory I have had in the last year when the younger voters weren’t coming out - is that they just don’t remember. a lot of the 20somethings oONLY remember an Obama Presidency. Bush was ancient history to them and given the fact

Maybe I’m just an old because at 37, I am old enough to remember that when a bunch of assholes in Florida decided that both parties were the same and Ralph Nadar was the better alternative, thousands of American soldiers died and 100k+ Iraqis died as a result. And to be clear: GWB was terrible, but I’d take another 8

this always happens though the first few weeks of a new President. they sign a bunch of executive orders. of course this time is particularly horrifying because he is horrifying, but Obama and Bush did it too. they try to be as active as possible as quickly as possible. so yes it feels like it is coming at us quickly,

They only care about brown Christians when it’s politically expedient for them.

Presidents ALWAYS use executive orders, and always in their first week. They were just ranking on Obama’s use of them because — Obama.

I was feeling fired up/ready to go from the march, but THIS shit?

This is the same country that turned away thousands of Jewish refugees during the Holocaust over anti-Semitism and fears that they would take American jobs. Now, we’re turning away thousands of Muslim refugees fleeing ISIS and Assad over Islamophobia and fears that they will take American jobs. We even used the

My heart is broken by this. And I’m furious.

Fine, let’s just continue to let countries that don’t have the infrastructure or finances to provide social services to their own citizens and are having actual national security and terror threats take in all the refugees. This won’t confirm anti-American sentiments or increase the lack of stability in the Middle

Given the influence by far right bible thumpers...they may be trading one theocracy for another.

But Hillary Clinton would have been just exactly the same! Two sides of the same coin!

Someone on Twitter pointed out that barring the entry of Syrian refugees forces them to stay in place in the EU. This, in turn lends credence to the talking points of the right-wing Nazi parties currently sweeping Europe, enabling them to gain power, all of which serves Putin’s agenda.

“a crackdown on immigrants fraudulently receiving government benefits”

I’m pretty fucking angry. Does he not realize that people leaving theocracies might be doing so because they DON’T WANT TO LIVE IN A THEOCRACY!!! We’re talking ex-muslims, religious minorities, atheists, and other persecuted people. People whose sole crime of not-believing (aka apostasy) is worthy of a death sentence

He is an unspeakably evil, genocidal maniac. We bombed half those refugees’ homes into oblivion, and he has the gall to call them the terrorists on an international stage.

Nine months isn’t nearly long enough.

The GOP can approve all of these without the Dems help.