
My guess is they don’t think he’ll do a lot of damage there and by not confirming him they’d just get someone worse. He’s inexperienced at the job this means he’d have to rely on others or so is usually the case so hopefully the other workers in that department will go on with business as usual.

No, and again, were it me, I would have voted “No.” (Unfortunately, no one’s elected me to Congress, so I have to backseat legislate!) But I do think they’re limited in how much opposition airtime they can get. I think they’re limited in how much they can complain and fight without everyone getting bored and turning

I’m getting really fucking tired of living in a world with so many bad guys that we have to let some of them win, just to keep the worst at bay.

Yes. Burn down the political opposition to Republicans. Great idea.

This still feels like a betrayal, but there are worse cabinet picks, imo.

That’s fair and I agree. Would I have voted to okay him? No. Am I going to immediately declare that Elizabeth Warren is a fake progressive. No. Do I hope that people extend Cory Booker the same courtesy (for a far less high-stakes vote made for a far more understandable reason)? Yes.

Reactions like yours are why national politics is as dysfunctional as it is.

You’re such a gibbering idiot that you should be Trump’s pick to run the Department of Education if the other gibbering idiot is rejected.

I can only assume (hope?) they are backing him because they have bigger fish to fry in terms of the cabinet nominees (like they’ve made a deal that they’ll back him if so-and-so doesn’t back someone else?). This still feels like a betrayal, but there are worse cabinet picks, imo.

This one wasn’t the worst of his choices, and they can’t put up the good fight against ALL of them or it loses weight. It would turn into “your just against everything we do”. I’d prefer they focus on disallowing the wildly bad ones like Betsy DeVos. They have a chance to derail a few of the truly terrible ones.

Considering that the march happened on Saturday and now is Friday; that’s a bit disingenuous. The article was not in the least bit productive imo. I say this as a woman of color.

What if they were listening before now, but didn’t have a set “action” to take? What if they had empathy, but had no tools or calls to action to change what horrified them? (“Feel enraged” is not a call to action, nor is it something you can measure in someone else.) The one thing that was so important leading up to

Thank you. For all you do and all you will do. And thank you for putting into words many things I was thinking. Also, many folks cannot live a full activist lifestyle. Work, children, financial issues all get in the way...let’s support the acts that ARE done, not those you wish were done.

Agreed. I don’t feel super sad for the anti-abortion women who didn’t get a cross-stitched invitation, frankly. The organizers felt that making anti-choice groups an explicit part of the organizing committee wouldn’t have worked because one of the key tenets was women’s reproductive rights; but anti-choice women still

EXACTLY! Why people aren’t more excited about what we accomplished frankly surprises me.

Some commenters upthread I think captured the feeling of the march:

which makes me cringe a little at critiquing them for taking selfies with their signs or in the crowd

I’ve always had a general disdain for the powers that be, but it’s usually shown out through how I live my life, i.e. what I buy, who I support, etc. Not perfect by any means, but I try.

Look, if you don’t want to help the left eat itself, then you have no place here. Ideological purity matters more than results, dammit. Opposing Trump and marching for women’s rights is not nearly as important as opposing fellow Trump opponents and women’s rights marchers for not also opposing everything else on the

I have to say I am very tired of old white feminists getting a bad rap. We’ve been working our asses off since long before many of you were born. We understand how sexism, racism, and other isms work together to hold all of us back. This back biting helps no movement. We have to learn to trust each other. We all