That’s not true. The Chinese government has forced women to have abortions. I’m guessing other governments have too at some point or another.
That’s not true. The Chinese government has forced women to have abortions. I’m guessing other governments have too at some point or another.
Yeah, and also, why isn’t the KKK welcome at the march too? They have a right to their opinions!
So anti-suffrage women should be represented, too?
Pro-life = Less Rights for Women. It’s not an ‘illgimate’ opinion, but it’s also not Women’s Rights. It is literally about fewer rights for women.
With the new focus on “moment of conception” bullshit, the anti-choice narrative is now literally “Every sperm is sacred -- once deposited within a woman’s vagina.” Never mind that that’s not when conception happens, thats just the moment that the people selling this line focus on.
You cannot be a feminist and oppose an organization that provides basic elements of women’s health care. Sorry.
It’s also straight out of Operation Rescue in the 90s. They’ve been using that shit for DECADES.
And as I love explaining to people who don’t listen, there’s not even a real basis of abortion being forbidden historically. Most societies had no problem with provoking mentruation before a child “quickened”, which we now know happens around 18 weeks or so.
These women are confused. I’m sure there is a rally of “Female Sellouts For Trump” around there somewhere.
The message is so muddled and nonsensical that I honestly can’t believe it’s being made in good faith. It just sounds like a variation on the newest “hating intolerant people is the REAL intolerance” canard.
If you are anti-choice, you are in favor of going back to a time when women regularly died from infection or bleeding to death, or lost their ability to have children again, from botched abortions. They would go back to a time when women were forced to carry pregnancies to term, knowing full well that women carry a…
Sorry, ladies, but unless a woman can control her body and reproductive organs, as long as she can be forced to carry a pregnancy to term, even or especially if it is life threatening, she is not truly free or equal. And if you think that is separate from equal pay, equal representation, equal treatment under the law,…
If a major point of the march is defending a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body then people whose purpose is to dictate terms to women about what they can do with their bodies are not going to be welcome.
How many of these people would be in the streets marching for more funding for pre-natal research that could lower the rate of miscarriage? As many as 30% of all pregnancies — these are “pre-born” babies! — end in miscarriage (many women miscarry without even knowing they’re pregnant). Millions of “babies” die every…
They don’t get to claim feminism on this. Hell no. The disgust I feel even as they claim feminism and it’s language in this attempt to disguise the fact they want to limit choices, and they feel not only qualified but justified in making *for others* one of the most personal and life changing decisions a woman is…
I’m going to start demanding that we grant the Martian colony statehood and full voting rights in Congress. I know it’s only a hypothetical colony at this point, but pre-colony rights are important, too.
Anti-suffragists claimed to be feminists too, that didn’t make it so then, and it doesn’t make it so now.
OK - there are 200,000+ men and women marching in D.C. that believe in Choice, reproductive rights and health care for women, fighting against misogyny, sexual assault, etc.
It’s fucking ridiculous to include people who are FOR what we are marching AGAINST.
Do they understand that if Trump defunds Planned Parenthood, what he’s actually defunding is all of the parts of it that aren’t about abortion? (The Hyde Amendment has kept the government from paying for most abortion services for years.)