
Always happy to see scalpers lose money. Especially happy to see them losing money on this garbage.

It’s fair to say that so far the only entertainment they’ve been able to get for Trump’s inauguration is a cross burning.

Burn them so no one can go

Do you remember how hard it was to cut and paste back then? You had to use Elmer’s glue, round scissors, magazines, sometimes even newspapers. I admire her for putting in so much more effort to cheat than it would have ever been to do it on the level. To do that for 2000 words is goddam heroic.

Crowley issued the following statement:

Wait - her Ph.D. dissertation was only 2,000 words long? That seems...really really short.

Interestingly enough, that’s the one it covers. And that’s the one we saw every year. I have read the reports, and I will fully admit, the animal acts made me uncomfortable. I would have enjoyed it more if it had just been human performers. But I continued to take my kids, despite the moral quandary, because I find

I saw a Bobcat one time, late afternoon on the Marin headlands at a spot where you can look across the bay back at SF. It was WAY bigger than I ever imagined one would be, though not as big as a cougar or African lion. It was AMAZING, turned its head, showed its ear tufts off, and looked at us like a big mean house

I’m so sad at what we are doing to large cats. I’ve always been so intrigued by them. I grew up in Montana and would always see Grizzlies or black bears, but never mountain lions in the wild. I had heard them, but never saw one until one night in Yosemite and it was magical, it crossed the road right in front of me

Hell, it could be the White House chefs!

Obama has to be diplomatic. I don’t.

The way he’s been needlessly antagonizing China and unwittingly putting Russia’s interests ahead of Israel’s, there is no reason to assume the CIA would be the one to tamper with his KFC. Honestly, if that orange glob does keel over into his bucket of fried chicken, the cause will probably be that he’s simply clogged

For Russia? Sure. At the moment their is not enough evidence to impeach Trump for his ties to Russia. But there is plenty of evidence regarding his business to make the case that he will be violating the constitution the second he takes office.

Then shout that to the rooftops and beyond. There’s still a frightening amount of malaise among the populace (and the press) as to how absolutely absurd and awful Turnip actually is . This isn’t like a Bush or a Romney. This isn’t a case of “well, I guess your party won this time around - we’ll try harder next time.”

Thing is, even if there aren’t grounds for impeachment, you don’t have to rubber stamp everything he says or willfully ignore the terrible garbage coming out of his Twitter feed. There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the GOP Congress has to make it easy for him. Impeachment? Fuck, we can barely find anyone to

Probably not a popular opinion, but it bums me out a little. I have taken my kids to the traveling dirt circus every year. Not a big one like Ringling Brothers. You know- the one that goes from town to town, sets up the tent, the aerialists double as ticket takers, the elephant trainer is directing traffic, it’s


If he WAS a Russian pawn, the best thing he could do is discredit both the intelligence agencies and media, the two most powerful groups that could expose him. Just sayin’.

And conservatives don’t wanna pay to keep an anachronistic slice of Americana alive despite their nostalgia for it, especially when they can get better entertainment for free off the internet. News at... wait, they don’t watch the news anymore either.

The sad reality is that this closure will probably mean the death of many of these animals. Tigers in particular are fucking expensive to maintain. They are also dangerous (well, more dangerous) if they haven’t imprinted on the owner. So unless there is a zoo/refuge that has room for a MALE tiger with 0 social