
LL Bean only has stores in 17 states, and none anywhere in my state, so it’s always been an online merchant for me.

My dear sweet god, the fallout from this one tweet of his has already given me more joy than I’ve felt since I can remember.


This is terrible I read about it earlier and I feel like especially in this case it has a lot to do with race. Black women are constantly told we need to protect our black brothers and that is fine and dandy until a girl gets raped and then is told to protect her attacker because she shouldn’t want to put a black man

I dunno, I *get* the outrage. This whole “meternity” thing shows that most people think maternity leave is a perk or a vacation and not a necessary time to heal after EXPELLING A HUMAN BEING FROM YOUR BODY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I mean, the fact that maternity leave still isn’t mandatorily(ok i made that word up) paid

My heart and thoughts are with her brother. I hope he always knows there’s nothing he could have done to stop this.

Considering that “There’ll never be a n***er SAE/you can hang him from a tree, but he’ll never sign with me” was being sung at SAE’s national meeting within the past two years (where the idiot from Oklahoma learned it), I think it’s probably safe to say that the slogan I mentioned is still being recited with pride

But that would mean they had actual manners and consideration for others. Not in this America.

Dude. You’re a public figure now, we own you - you have to take it.

Robin Tunney, who also played the good witch in The Craft!

The Mentalist. Who could never figure out how to jump out of the TV and into my bed so what good is he?

Even though I found the ending to the Red John saga disappointing, Simon Baker was always delightful.

The show was “The Mentalist”, sort of a CBS version of “Psych” with a super observant savant type helping the police solve crime.

“I am confused with Bernie Sanders’s stance on guns. He seems to be anti-gun everywhere except Vermont. Bernie doesn’t care who gets a gun in Vermont. There are no black people in Vermont.

The more they cringed the more all he was saying was true. And we’ve got that Don Lemon finger flip as a forever gift from the soirée. Great job Larry!

I wish there’d been more couples and more diversity. Some more ethnicity, some same sex couples, some older couples, etc. There’s an old Bright Eyes video like that (lots of different couples being cute together on a couch) and it’s always been one of my favorites.

The world would be a better place in general if this is how all people fought on social media

who is Diane Kruger??? I don’t think i ever seen her in any movie