
It’s actually about ethics in sixth grade track sports reporting.

I might be giving her too much credit, but it seems like a very pragmatic decision. That was what she knew, and she was clearly looking for a better life than she had when modeling. Rich crappy guy who is a lot like her father? Makes a certain amount of sense. She already knew how to handle it and that was her frame


Is Empress better than Queen? (I always thought they were comparable but from different hierarchies)

Does anyone else suspect that Bey and Jay are super weird by this point in their lives? I feel like they have that isolated, rich celebrity crazy going on. I haven't seen either of them do an interview in a long time so I have nothing really to go off of.

Not to mention shoes! I’m currently trying to find sport sandals for my 4 and 6 year old girls that they actually want to wear. There are piles of colours for boys but my girly girls want pretty shoes. I want them to actually be able to play in them this summer without breaking their toes.

That would be my nightmare!!! I’d rather live somewhere with neighbors who could potentially hear my screams.

So for all the talk of black girl magic, of Tamir, Freddy and their mothers, the value of black women...this is the legacy of Lemonade? Tell me I am wring, but then tell me what they conversation has been, what’s dominated the headlines...especially here. For all the talk of her blood and sweat and the significance of

“My dad, who was a bus driver for thirty years, thinks we’re all crazy.”

Has anyone considered that the poor woman was probably just having a good hair day and that the world doesn’t actually revolve around Bey Z?

I swear there should be a sponsored tag with all the free advertising.

honey, no.

Black people, or people knowledgeable about black culture wouldn’t say that. Good hair is a loaded phrase. Especially considering that phrasing ___hair, don’t care exists. It’s frequently, ‘long hair don’t care,’ or ‘natural hair don’t care.’ Those would have been plausible, good hair don’t care is uncomfortable in

You’re wrong.

And Bey very publicly brought this dirty laundry between Bey and Jay into the sunlight, yet, neither of them are getting an ounce of shit. It’s insane, and so is the Beyhive (and if you don’t think Bey knew this would be a consequence and wanted the woman Jay-Z fucked to get all the shit, you are delusionnal.)

Er, Desi women usually do have straight hair. She’s not trying to pass as white.

I am an old and... I feel awful for being all up in this shit. I think I’m missing ‘Dynasty’ more than I realized.

Look, I love Beyonce and everything she does, but if this is the ultimate fuck you to the mistress while still keeping the fuckboy, it loses seriousness and impact, IMO. This is like spray painting the mistress’ house with WHORE or SLUT on the front door, and then posting texts on social media and all that petty shit.


Yeah how dare some old bitch get mad at people calling her a whore and talking shit to her kids!