
And auto-post a header image of Jack Burton chowing down on that ridiculous sandwich he's eating in the opening credits scene.

True, the Pro is very half-assed. I almost wish they skipped it and MS skipped xbox one S and both just doubled down on games and getting ready for their next systems. I just hope that there are some nice exclusives for xbox around the time Scorpio launches. I haven't read up on much that they've been working on

Just pulled the trigger on the Pro only because I had some extra spending money available and had just purchased a brand new 4k TV. There was/is a deal on eBay for a Pro with 2 games for $400. I'm real interested in the Scorpio but the thing is MS really needs some hot games for it. They can make a killer system but

Your avatar is giving me PTSD about unskippable GF cutscenes.


John "Blaze Thrusterino" Harmon.

Looks like he combed his hair with a turkey sandwich

They had some jams. You could fashion a real good Libertines albums from the best songs off of Babysham and Dirty Pretty Things records.

I thought "Shut Up and Dance" was the best of this season, but I agree. Season 3 was well behind the first two.

I'm fahhkin dyyyying…to relisten to Cry, Little Sister.

So this is what it's like when doves cry.

I thought his name was "Super Hands" for the longest time. Mostly cause I watched that show at 1am while half asleep.

Really wish this was playing in Boston tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

Taking this out of context. Copy and pasting it to an email addressed to my entire office.

I did too. But I didn't see any of the movie as the theatre called the cops on us before it started.

He was trying to walk to the place in California that had the dinosaurs. It was a "happy" place for him since he carried the picture of the whole family that was taken there. He was basically trying to lay to rest the memory of his sister in that place. He was "stacking" things because he remembered the big dino

There goes the rest of my day

Watch it frequently. See my avatar. Langella rules in that.

I'm throwing my vote in for this episode -
I AM THE CITY: "A Babylonian God known as Marduk and his enemy, a multi-headed dragon called Tiamat, arrive in the city and the Ghostbusters get caught in the middle of their ancient battle to protect the city."
This one was mind-blowing as a kid because the Ghostbusters had

Well put. For all the wack, silly, zany-wild comments on the AV Club, this place usually has a bizarre amount of level-headed talk in the comments section. Unlike YouTube, where a 2-second clip of an apple will have 5 million racist comments.