
Agreed. I think the movie is one of the best adaptations of a book to film I've seen, but this article's argument is…strange.

No one band should have all that power.

Nolan has good movies and bad movies. Carpenter has good movies and bad movies (although I like a lot of his "bad" shit.) But overall, for me personally no one can top John Carpenter for absolute shit-kicking good time films. He just has style like a motherfucker.

Westfield has produced some real characters.

This kid looks like Rosario Dawson

It was a metaphor. They were angry!

Article posted: Aug 13, 2007 12:01am

They are the best. Constant sound of beer cans cracking open, Russell always laughing at some over-the-top shit that's going on in the movie and then following it up with "how come the movies we did never made any money?"

Same here. That book had me actually howling out loud. Laughing like a maniac. It's so over the top in every way. When he's frothing at mouth screaming about reservations in some shitty diner or sandwich shop….ah, good times.

Don't get it?



We brought in two 30 racks of Red Dog and a stolen ceramic scorpion bowl into the Fenway theatre for the late night showing of Snakes on a Plane. People were acting the fool. They called the cops on us within ten minutes of the movie starting.

I came right to the comments to see how long it took for the Work Your Body 1080 jam to show up. Well done.
Nothing like a cabin full of international dickheads just lounging around while that insane song plays on loop.

I'll always love The Office and Extras and his early radio show with Merchant and Karl is hilarious but I just haven't liked anything he's done in the last century.

To be fair though, I would have said those things if I had a little more coffee in me but Gervais is so lame now I just couldn't muster the energy. But don't give up on your Argument Model. it works. The technology is sound.

The movie was good. The show? Not so much.

EpicNameBro on YouTube. His playthrough of Dark Souls is like a walking tour of all the lore and hidden things. It's addicting as hell.

I really recommend the Youtube channel for "EpicNameBro" as he plays through each of these games and describes all the lore and design choices and such. I've been hooked on it for the past two weeks and it's getting near impossible not to cave in and buy DS3 now after watching them.

Hah I know what you mean. It's a misleading name, but the dude's style is chill as hell and very informative.