
Hah, never noticed that but Frodo's accent goes in and out and around the block too.
My all-time fav is still Tim Roth in Reservoir Dogs. What a hilariously bad accent. So over the top wrong on every level. "I'm faaahkking deeyiing!", "Matherfoker looks jus like Tha Thing." "Matherfacker I'm tryna watch Da Lost Bois!"

I'm with ya. It drives me crazy. I can't focus on the story once I hear an accent slip up. Small pet peeve but it's really distracting for me.

He actually ripped off that fucker from the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. Calvin Klein invented rock n' roll and Chuck merely copied what he heard from a shoddy phone call placed by his cousin Marvin.
It's all there. On tape. In the documentary which was filmed in real time.

Yeah it has serious Flashback vibes which is awesome. Game looks fantastic.

I found an extremely low-budget and extremely insane version of Dracula someone made and posted to Youtube that I go back to once in a while. Sounds right up your alley.

This show just needs to die off already so I can wait long enough to care about the books again without Dinklage's horrible accent or Jon Snow's horrible acting running through my head.

I think The Last Airbender is the only movie I walked out of. It was infuriating trash and I had never even seen the cartoon.

Nothing But Trouble had Tupac and Three O'clock High had Richard Tyson so both are good in my book.
Three O'clock High also had Casey Sziemosko or whatever his name is who doesn't change his facial expression or react to anything in the entire movie which is absolutely insane.

I recommend Quincy. "Sup kehd, you got like five bucks I can borrow? C'mon dood, don't be tight."

The PS4 release is great. All the DLC added in and some minor fixes and changes to the enemy placement. 60fps makes for very smooth gameplay. It's fairly cheap too. I bought it a year ago brand new for like $16 on Amazon.

yeah whatever


I would move there if they called them Nuke Bills. Just so I could feel like I was in some sort of pre-war Fallout universe.

Petersen in "To Live & Die in L.A." is the ultimate renegade cop. He doesn't car whose goddamn toes he steps on in that thing.

Miracle Mile is so awesome. My friend got that randomly in the mail from Netflix back in the day with no knowledge of what it was about. He started watching and was baffled at why he would have put a weird 80s romance movie in his queue. And then the shit hit the fan and the movie went absolutely bonkers. Great flick.

I just bought a PS4 Pro and a new TV. I can't justify spending even more on a new console and a new game (have 3 unopened games on my shelf after I finish Horizon), but goddamn Nintendo if they aren't testing me with this new Zelda. It looks amazing.

I think they are all up on youtube if that helps. But man, that show was so good.

I'm with ya 100% (born in Ireland here). I wanna see a vowel at the end of a last name if I'm getting a pizza or a haircut.

Man, I'd love a remastered New Vegas. Update the visuals and shorten the load times and I'd buy it again.