
There's a YouTube channel by a guy named "EpicNameBro" who has a fucking awesome playthrough of Dark Souls. He gets into the real nitty gritty of the lore and hidden features and talks about development choices and level design and things.
For a game I have no interest in playing, I am completely hooked on watching it.

How was the rest of the party?

FTL is awesome. Just an all around enjoyable game to play for a short period before you inevitably get killed.

When he came on the screen in all his fat glory it took everything in my power to not stand up and scream DURANT!!

Oh man. I remember this. It used to play on some channel really late at night. I spent maybe a year trying to remember what it was called before finding it on some DVD collection of short films. Really well-made. Didn't know this was the guy who was doing The Little Prince. Good lookin' out kid.

I like Force Awakens. But it's almost an exact copy of A New Hope. That's not a bad thing. But if he wasn't replicating Spielberg he's replicating Lucas and I still haven't seen anything the guys done that was his own style.

I should have read more comments before I posted this. Looks like I got all the answers I need on this subject. Thanks.

Couple of honest questions: Who wrote this, JJ Abrams? Can he do movies that aren't just homages to Spielberg-o? I'm not knocking the guy at all, I loved what he did with Star Wars but has he done anything original? What did he do with the original Cloverfield? From what I was told he didn't write or direct that, but

I tried to buy this when I was a kid because the cover looked cool and the guy at the counter talked me out of it. Whoever he is, wherever he is…thank you.

Careful. I brought that up and people were none too pleased.

I really like Malick movies, but goddamn if this isn't a perfect comment.

That's not even remotely true though.

This place is a real beehive of activity.

You're joking right?

I google image enough weird shit at work. At least twice a week my boss walks by while I have an entire screen of "Sam Neill + Event Horizon" pics up on my comp.

This guy gets it.

Same. JJ was a pleasant surprise. But that fight scene at the end of Daredevil Ep.2 was raw.

Ok, that sorta makes sense. I think you're right with the Travis Bickle angle. It's not my thing, but fair enough.