
To be fair, at the time that hat showed up Trump was not considered a serious candidate by anyone, and he hasn’t said or done anything since to indicate support for Trump’s political career.

Being a die hard, life-long Patriots fan and a proud member of the Coastal Liberal Elite in good standing, I just want this stupid fucking story to go away. If this was someone else’s sports stuff mixing with their politics I’d mock their desire to keep the two separate, as deadspin does so wonderfully. In this case,

That’s....not a great idea. They already have your money if you, like most wage-earning or salary-drawing people, have your federal income, state income and social security taxes withheld from you paycheck.

Not only should people disobey illegal orders, if in following orders they commit illegal acts, they should be prosecuted for those acts.

Or maybe “HillaryWillWinEasily” is the kind of idiot take that for Trump elected. Cmon man, time for a new handle.

This is where I think we need to be careful. Because I am a progressive I want to see women and people of color have equal access and equal representation in all of our public and private institutions. But I am not on board with banning white guys in response to there being too many white guys - that doesn’t solve a

I used to think so, but clearly not.

Maybe you would share with us how you are defining “disproportionate,” because if you’re using the word in the way most English-speaking humans would then your statement is obviously false and dumb.

Yeah but....to me, anyways, treason is a worse crime than manslaughter.

What the hell is this bad take? Sam Bowie was a bad pick because there were great players still on the board in that draft, and one of them turned out to be the best player ever. But Bowie wasn’t a bust - he played in the league for a decade and during the prime of his career he played 30+ minutes a game and averaged

I basically did this same thing, only mine happened in Rhode Island, and instead of a school bus it was a car (which belonged to a parent of a schoolmate, which I was aware of when I threw it although I would have thrown it regardless), and instead of an ice block it was just a snowball. But, the dude stopped his car

I don’t really watch or follow MMA much, but I don’t understand why she didn’t fight someone shittier before fighting someone like Nunes, who is clearly not someone to be trifled with (I even knew that before the fight based on 45 seconds of research and listening to my friends talk about)

Oh god. You’re one of those. Never mind, then. Carry on.

You don’t think that a person’s politics can tell you enough about who they are and what they believe in that you can form an opinion about them? I certainly do believe that. And I believe Kellyanne Conways politics, as well as the very specific choices she has made about how to work on behalf of those politics in her

Couldn’t you fix this just by making the rule that the game cannot end on an accepted penalty? What is addressed by specifying that the game can’t end on a defensive penalty that wouldn’t be addressed by changing the rule to any accepted penalty?

Maybe it’s not that what you said was wrong so much as it was incoherent, because after reading all of this exchange I honestly have no idea what you were saying. Maybe you could explain it to us, but in a way that actually makes sense?

What are you talking about, “should have won”? I think you’re arguing against somebody else in your reply to me. My point was that underdogs win all the time. That doesn’t mean the handicapper was wrong about who the favorite is (since inherent in there being odds in the first place is that the underdog WILL win X

I mean...he explained it in the interview. The polling was accurate based on the projected turnout models, but turnout was way way down among democratic constituencies in the industrial midwest. Nationally, the polling wasn’t really off by a significant amount.

Right. And? 2:1 underdogs win all the time. I question the mathematical literacy of anyone who confuses 2:1 odds with a virtual certainty. 

Your timing is impeccable, Marchman. I haven’t ate anything all day, I’m halfway drunk, I can’t stop updating Twitter...I can’t think about goddamn baseball right now.