
What the hell were the announcers talking about? It’s hard to imagine a clearer example of the defender using the crown of his helmet to hit a defenseless receiver in his ear hole - which is probably the most dangerous play in the sport. I couldn’t tell whether his shoulder pad technically made contact first, but I

I’d think the middlemen are invoicing the apparel company for services as “brand representatives” or whatever. It hits the company’s books as promotional expense, there’s an invoice to support it (the middlemen probably have LLCs setup to bill the companies and so the bank accounts aren’t in their name). The mechanics

I believe that man is grimacing, not laughing. I thought the same thing as you did at first, but have come around to thinking he’s maybe not an asshole. 

Yeah, I mean the reaction you described pretty much sums up how I felt about it and I’m sure I want wasnt alone. But I’m in Boston and talk to a ton of fans, and there were no small number that were upset that they traded IT. And I understood it, honestly, even though I thought it was clearly a good basketball move,

Noooooooo! I do not!

I feel so bad for IT. He was loved here by Celtics fans, and many were upset that he was traded away for Irving - as insane as that seems now. And just a year later, the guy is hanging onto his NBA career by a thread and the Celts are the clear favorite to win their conference and as legit of a title contender as

Godspeed, Tim. Hope it’s been as fun for you as it has been for me.


Wow! Congrats, cool guy.

Is that bad? I’m confused. He’s a point guard, so that seems like a feather in his cap to me.

Yes Reimer is a shitty little fuck. Dare I say, a pissant.

Boston resident and Patriot fan here. Kirk Minihane and Gerry Callahan are as terrible of human beings as exist anywhere, so I’m not here to defend them. But just want to clarify a couple things for the sake of accuracy.

How does “rested his left hand on the window” translate to “attempting to enter the guy’s vehicle” in your head?

I don’t understand how you think what you posted supports your point?

At least at the time everyone thought that Schilling was really hurt. Nobody thinks Brady is really hurt. And by that, I don’t mean we (New Englanders) think he is faking or lying, just that the injury is not really serious and shouldn’t impact the game much. So I don’t think you have a lot to worry about.

Made a similar reply to a similar comment below, but replying directly here so you get the alert since I’m a few days behind.

Yeah, maybe my point was not clear. It isn’t that he was lazily sitting around playing video games when he could have been playing. It’s that he’s already missed three months...why come back the night before against Portland rather than the next night in Boston? Would have saved all of this dumb drama and would have

Not to mention the fact that IT waited 3 months to make his season debut, chose to make it the night before the Cavs came to Boston and the Celtics planned to do the video, then asked the Celtics not to do it that night because he wasn’t ready to play back-to-backs yet. Sorry, that was his chance. The Celtics

Except the Astros and Cubs didn’t rebuild by giving away assets for nothing and getting swindled in trades. They dealt off their pieces, but that is how they acquired the “young stars that they can control.”

I’m not going to go all-in defending Simmons here, because he’s a goof and he’s probably overstating the case here (haven’t read the article yet).