
He just tossed his friend Harrison Smith onto the ground.

“...denying the whole La Liga leadership’s legitimacy as a staff, record label, and a motherfucking crew.”

Yeah but that’s why rap isn’t a thing anymore. When NY quit that was the end of the genre.

The only good hip hop is from NY. Everything else is trash.

I don’t even really like Hillary all that much, but honestly I don’t think much of this is all that bad. I would have assumed it would be worse. Considering the context, a lot of that seemed outright reasonable for a centrist politician. Do I prefer a centrist politician? Not really; I’d prefer someone slightly

Richardson, yes. Kraft? For so many reasons, no.

I hope someone died

Is this profootballtalk talk or deadspin? These comments are embarrassing.

I literally did not understand one thing in this post. Is there an explanation for non-gearheads available anywhere? I want to understand why this engine is cool, but I also do not know anything about how engines work.


Oh shit 1996! That is not recent.

I'm confused. Is this guy a real wrestler or a WWF guy?

What the hell is a “downstorm”? Is that some sort of regional terminology (from a weird region)?

Who the hell is Tom Middleston?

Thank you for lowering yourself to responding to my “burner” (for the record, even though the word burner appears my handle, I have been using this one or a variant of it for years - when my work laptop has its cookies wiped semi-regularly, I change it up a bit because I can’t keep track of the wacky passwords they

What the fuck does the criticism of his decision have to do with the Thunder or management? The point is he is basically Steve Jobs joining Microsoft in 1990. Don’t join your rival, BEAT your rival. That’s the whole reason anyone cares about sports. Not to root on individual guys as they cosplay the Entourage plot.

Goddamnit this is a dumb and simple argument. Nobody is calling KD a bad guy. People are calling him a pussy. There is a difference. And nobody is calling him a pussy for taking more money, or even for going to a place more suited to winning a championship. He is being called a pussy because he is going to a team that

Bobby Wood says it all

It was terrible. They also kept zooming in for close ups on people's faces for like reaction shots, meanwhile the ball is out back in play and we cut back to it mid-action without any immediate sense of where we are or any sense at all about how we got there. Also, the play-by-play guy was hilariously wrong about at

Why is there nothing about last night’s soccer game and several posts knob-slobbing a gutless, spineless, toothless, bland Brand about a good game in which he did not win a title?