
Yeah, man why can't her toddler just live his toddler life? She's killin his vibe.

I'm sure you're a great non-monster mom if a bit helicoptery.

Helicopter moms suck

So horrible to think of a server accidentally serving a child something that'll make them fall asleep for awhile.

Nah, we'll happily wade through your manbaby tears. That's what galoshes are for.

You're goddamn right we're pushy cunts. We have to be in order to stomp all over fuckwits like you.

I have to imagine that, rather than "yea" or "nay," the votes tabulated were "indubitably" and "harrumph."

omg im so embarrassed

I seriously think Daughters of Eve contributed to my feminism.

In the new edition, I was asked to update the story by changing old-fashioned names that today's readers would relate to. So we've now got a Kristy and the dear slut Bambi is "Madison." But they did retain their personalities.

I'm Lois Duncan, the author of DAUGHTERS OF EVE, which, to my amazement, appears to be just as controversial today as it was when I wrote it back in the late '70s. I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion (thank you Jia and Kelly) and would be happy to respond to any questions that anyone might have. (As long as you

My grandmother is Lois Duncan, I just forwarded this article to her, I think she'll get a kick out of it! I grew up reading this, and I always found it to be a wonderful, chilling tale, full of exaggerated characters. You guys have really hit the nail on the head!

I still have my copy of this book from when i read it in elementary school. I loved it then and i still love it.

I did like that, how he admitted he never really had to work because he was smart enough to coast, and because he was a man. Men get to coast. And he knew that [character] had put a lot of work and thought into her project (and NO ONE told her about the chances of it being disqualified, by the way!) and respected

Probably so. My wife is in an MFA program herself, and she gets whiny dudes like this all the time. It's kind of funny to watch as an outsider because these guys JUST DON'T GET IT. I really think it's a complete and total lack of empathy for half of the world's population.

"Salem Witch Trials were actually a women-on-women event, so that one can't be blamed on patriarchy."

"women on women" in a society that was utterly, oppressively , patriarchal. It didn't happen in a vacuum! It was the one way that women were getting a modicum of attention or power. Not to mention all the judges involved who allowed "spectral evidence" and sentenced folks to execution were, duh, men. The real problem

There you go, assuming I must not like certain things because I'm not aboard the obnoxious self-identified "kinkster" train. Grow up. "Kinky" stuff is just sex. You're not that wild or out there, trust me.

woah, kink and full time power exchange are not synonymous.