
If you’re interested, you should check out the article “The Orthodox Sex Guru” that was in the NY Times. It’s Google-able. It was fascinating, parts were very upsetting, and it was memorable. The ultra orthodox are not really a sex positive group.

This reminds me of a wonderful line from Angel: "If nothing we do matters, all that matters is what we do."


Oh my god this happens to me and I hate it. I have a child with autism so we see a lot of different professionals all the time. I was very thrown the first time a therapist called me "Mom," I stared at her for a moment because I was taken aback. It's happened a few more times since then and I find it alienating,

YES. Yes to all of that. Super well said. There is so much there.

I just want to say I was delighted to see this book got a review and was wowed to scroll down and see Lois Duncan in the comments! Daughters of Eve is one of a small handful of books that has stayed on my bookshelf from adolescence through my twenties and now into my thirties. I love it and reread it every few years.

I wish I could star this comment more times. I really, really do not like the undercurrent of "just find someone to leave your baby with, what's the big deal!" in the post you're replying to. It's uncool.

Holy crap, assholes! What did you do?

It's true. Sometimes it comes from cans.

The portions are garbage? Garbage as in the portions are too big or the portions are too small?

They're not the same sort of people as the ones who made this twitter bot, though.

Pro-tip: based on what you wrote here, you're not "very pro-choice."

Pro-tip: based on what you wrote here, you're not "very pro-choice."

Wow. What brand of pills were you taking?

He's a swimmer! Swimming burns a lot of calories. Also yes, portion control. He seems to eat slowly and savor each bite.

This one is less funny because it could soon be real. :(

Well, be fair, it's not 'one answer for everyone.' If you don't want to have children, you have the choice to become a nun. Easy peasy, solved that one for you. Now please excuse me while I go throw up.

I have read this thread and wanted to tell you, I think your problem is that you're boring, too negative, come off as desperate, or some combination of those. All three of those will put potential dates (men and women both) off a person as a serious romantic interest. I wouldn't want to be more than friends with

So I just googled NROL-39 because I wanted to know what comic or whatever the Cthulu atop the earth logo was from, and lo and behold this logo is a real thing. Total holy shit disbelief moment.

Basically I think he wants menz to be able to decide whether there should be babehs or not. And if there are, the menz who sired them shouldn't have to pay child support, because those slutty women shouldn't have slutted.