
"I save bread!"

I know right? Her comments are pretty hilarious.

wow. Who is this woman? All the makeup in the world can't cover your horrendous attitude. People are trying to make you less ignorant. Try listening.

ummm... There's a medium between never showers/slob and primped & preened and artificially perfumed.

I am concerned as a general issue. You know the whole feminism thing? And just because a woman does an action does not mean it makes the activity automatically okay.

Here's your cookie.

The problem is when you imply that women who don't wear makeup look like slobs. I don't think the article implied that anyone should forgo basic hygiene. Clean and neat is a minimum for everyone, male or female. Women's hair generally takes more time but that will vary with the cut/style chosen. In most industries,

Firstly you can be presentable without spending an extra hour or half an hour on unnecessary grooming. And yes grooming is he correct word for such preening. Perfume does not make you smell fresh but rather like chemicals and depending on the make up it can be small addition or 'putting on your face'.

You may have been shooting for sardonic, but your aim is way off. You hit "over-simplifying douchenozzle" instead.

Oh come now. Stop being disingenuous.

There are complications for some people:

According to you, I've never had the flu then... except I have. Sorry, but it's never taken more than 3 or 4 days for me. Perhaps you're assuming that the way it affects you is exactly how it affects everyone. Not sure why you'd assume that.


yes. yes i am. i have had to learn plenty, because most of you don't put enough time into observing our kids. so sorry, tough crap. you can stfu until you realize the moms are doing more than putting a bandaid on a cut. my guess honey? you are the worse pediatrician ever, so you stfu.

I went to nursing school and I'm a stay at home mom now. I kinda have to laugh at your statement. If you are indeed a MD, you probably have nurses and nannies cleaning up all the shit and vomit you are associated with. Don't get me wrong, kudos to you for being a pediatrician, but there is a pretty good argument

"You do not get to decide what members of an ethnicity not your own may or may not find offensive." I agree, but they do not get to decide if we give a shit if they're "offended". What does that even mean? I'm offended they're offended.

I think she can be as offended as she likes, but she still doesn't get to dictate what everyone else should or shouldn't do. Thankfully, it isn't against the law to wear bindis even if you aren't a Hindu.
For the most part in most countries it also isn't against the law to offend anyone, at least not yet.

Non-white people possess exclusionary ideas like white people, xenophobia like white people, pettiness like white people, bigotry like white people. The fact that a non-white person expressed an opinion does not mean you have to automatically defer to them. You are allowed to have your own concept of right and