
Yes. I had blood in my urine in my early 20s that was chalked up to a UTI. Turned out to be a (benign) urethral tumor, but I didn't find out until a few years later and had to have it removed in an elaborate surgery. I can't help but wonder how much easier the surgery would have been had they known a few years earlier

My husband has bladder cancer, and as I read up on it, I was shocked to hear how radical the surgeries are for a woman with it.

I wish we could do this with bladder cancer, which is almost always misdiagnosed in women until it is advanced. It results in such a profound body image challenge for those of us who have survived (and yeah, I like the word "survivor" for myself).

Then I would hope you have some sense that your parents didn't go down to the baby shelter and pick the baby that wagged its tail cutest at them. It is a little more complicated than that, wouldn't you agree?

What the actual fuck? Did you really just compare adopting children to acquiring a dog? All you have demonstrated with your comment is that you appear to know very little about adoption.

Solitary confinement is torture. Humans are social animals, and removing people from the opportunity to socialize with others almost universally creates mental illness in prisoners. Otherwise mentally healthy prisoners often come out with severe mental derangements from solitary confinement, and of course, that's the

I have quite honestly, never met anyone who has done this in my life.

But i tell you what, i've met a hell of a lot of people who claim they have met them.

Seriously? Fucking hell.

Hooray for increased risk of STIs...