
A-list actors are still lining up to lick his old taint.

Paul Pierce was the finals MVP in 08. But ok.

Maher likes to cite Pew Research data that show x percent of Muslims around the world approve of sharia law, honor killings and suicide bombers. Maher is pretty disparaging about Islam in general. But yes, we do live in an era when radical Islamic terrorism is a very clear and present danger.

I got the point. Of all the things to blast this guy for, you resort to making fun of him because of his looks. It’s rednecks vs snowflakes, and moderate America gets to play referee.

Aren’t most adults alcoholics though?

I know that Charles Oakley is cool and James Dolan is a numbnuts, and we are certainly always supposed to hate the powerful around these parts in favor of the little guy, etc. etc. I get all that. But I have no clue why people continue to think Oakley came off looking good in this whole thing. It sounds like he and a
