I’m holding out for a more customisable virtual assistant. When I call ‘Igor!’ and it answers ‘Yeth, mathter?’ my life will be complete.
I’m holding out for a more customisable virtual assistant. When I call ‘Igor!’ and it answers ‘Yeth, mathter?’ my life will be complete.
People can take or leave technology according to their taste, and it’s nobody’s business but their own what they decide to adopt.
Every tech revolution comes with its fair share of aggrieved late adopters. I don’t say “luddites,” because these people will, in future, swarm to the new tech just like everyone else. First, however, they have to engage in performative contrariness, to show everyone what iconoclasts they are.
Here’s where you’re wrong. A powerless group mocking those in power is not hate speech. Humor is a powerful coping mechanizims to deal with a society that seems set up to dehumanize them. As a white person I don’t get offended at all the mayonnaise jokes because I realize it’s not about me, but about expressing…
I’m so happy to hear that the only person on this planet truly qualified to comfort Dr. Ford was able to reach her and do just that.
Absolutely, sadly the lumping Africa into a singular place starts early, I am constantly correcting my young son. Aside from Egypt, I wonder how many other African countries the Trumps could name.
That list of information is almost all PHI (protected health information), and I think any two pieces of PHI together are considered “identifying.” tl;dr - fuck this guy.
Hating on black people is always a “teachable moment.” shooting black people is a “teachable moment.” Putting innocent black people in jail is a “teachable moment.” When will there be a teachable moment about respecting people of color? Or treating us equally?
Merriam Webster is adding “dumpster fire” to their dictionary.
I remember seeing a quote last year somewhere that said:
Barf Bag© makes my Blood Boil©
It absolutely blows my mind that Republicans can balance the cognitive dissonance of “look, an angry teenager is always just going to be able to somehow source a semi-automatic rifle, even if they’re illegal and rare and strictly controlled and almost impossible to get ammunition for, never mind that literally no…
I watched this a couple years ago with my then 8 year old daughter, who knew nothing at all about Superman. So she was wondering why we were spending so much time with this nerdy glasses guy. It wasn’t until the helicopter scene, and he pulls his suit open to reveal the S, that she realized he was Superman. It blew…